Chapter 56- Tears of the Doctor

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Calvin's POV

I still hold Danielle.

It's been hours. It's been days. It's been years.

She can't be gone. She has to come back.

The Doctor and River are in their own room, perhaps mourning, but I cannot be sure.

K-9 sits beside me, Danielle's limp body growing colder. "Why isn't she regenerating?" I whisper. "I do not know, Calvin." K-9 replies, his tail still wilting with sadness. I brush hair from her face, kissing her forehead carefully.

"Can't we do something?" K-9 shakes his head at my question, "No, I'm afraid not. From what I know the Doctor, my master, has always regenerated within minutes of his death, never this long."

I frown, allowing her to rest on the TARDIS floor. "Will you stay with her? I need a shower." K-9 nods again, moving closer to her side. "Let me know if anything changes."

I slowly stand up, placing another kiss on her forehead. Blood soaks through her clothes, dirt and grime edging her wounds.

I walk away, fighting the urge to look back, that perhaps she has come back, but I continue to my room. I peel off my clothing, grabbing a towel and stepping into the shower.

As I finish, the hot water has steamed up the bathroom, my hair dripping water onto my shoulders as I pull on pair of underwear and sweatpants, moving back into my room.

I glance in the mirror, noticing a small cut on my right side. I touch it carefully, wincing slightly at the pain. The muscles of my stomach rise and fall slowly with each breath and I reach for a shirt.

"Calvin! Calvin!" I turn quickly, seeing K-9 burst into my room. "Something's happening!"

I race past my door, hurrying to the main area of the TARDIS. I stop near the railing, Danielle now laying in a fetal position, her face shielded by long hair. That's new. "Danny?" I say quietly, moving towards her.

She groans, the strands of hair falling further over her eyes. "Danny!" I yell, kneeling beside her and lifting her into my arms. Long fingers wrap around my neck, holding me closer, she breathes, her voice slightly deeper than before. "Cal."

I shiver at my name, kissing her cheek and burying my face into her shoulder. She small, thin, like a bird. A raven. (Shoutout to whoever knows what this is a reference to. Look at who the actors are for Danny and Calvin for a hint! <3)

I let her sit back after a second, taking in her new features. Brown eyes, brown and gold hair, same height, tinier. She frowns at me, hair slipping over her eyes once again. "What is it? Do I look a lot different?"

I chuckle, pulling her closer so that she sits in my lap, her legs folded to her chest. "Yes, but I like it."

Danielle's POV

I stare at Calvin as he observes me, the feeling of pain and agony gone from my stomach and chest. I glance down at the bloodied clothing, my pale skin showing through. "I should probably change," I whisper, my fingers holding him closer. He nods a little, but his arms don't move away from my waist or shoulder.

"You're alive," he whispers, kissing me on the forehead. I place my hand against his cheek, his own fingers trailing my jawline. I'm smaller than before; I fit into his arms easier. He leans back, K-9 rolling up beside us. "You should tell your parents that you are alright."

I jump in surprise, pushing myself to my feet. I walk two steps and stumble, Calvin catching me at the last second. "You alright?" I nod, opening my mouth. A wisp of gold floats out, warmth touching my lips as it leaves, soft music humming within it.

I hold onto Calvin's bicep, nodding again. "Alright, let's go see the Doctor."

He helps me carefully towards my father's room, one hand set firmly on my side to keep me up right. I tap lightly on the frame, movement coming from inside.

"Who is it?" The Doctor sounds hoarse, his feet coming to the door, the knob twisting.

As he meets my stare, I smile, glancing back at Calvin. "Hi, dad." He also stumbles, but he hurries forward, enveloping me in a tight hug. "Oh, Danny," he breathes, his fingers tangled in my hair. "You're alive," he sobs, River appearing at his shoulder.

"Sweetie," she whispers, joining the hug, my parents' warmth flooding over me. K-9 barks happily, Calvin leaning against the door frame as we embrace, relief flooding through my veins.

We are okay.

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now