Chapter 53- The Spaceship

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Sorry, I was busy with school the past few days, but better later than never, right? ^-^

Anyways, I am going to start writing a new story and am thinking about putting it on Wattpad, but I would like to know how many of you would read it.

It's going to be set in 1524 (I think) and is about a young pirate Captain and their crew. I don't have exact details about it yet, but it's definitely going to be an adventure!

Let me know in the comments below if you would enjoy something like that and don't forget to vote! <3 Love y'all!!

Danielle's POV

We all stand in the doorway of the TARDIS, our breaths held as we observe the large orb, bright blue light shining from it.

It hangs in the darkness, swirls waving around the sphere as it simulates the workings of a star. "That's a spaceship?" I whisper, looking at it in awe.

The Doctor grimaces, his sonic screwdriver scanning it a few times. "Yes, and it can probably house almost ten thousand people... I'd have to get closer, but from these initial scans, many of them are wounded." I frown, stepping backwards. "Then we need to help them. Come on!"

I hurry towards the console, standing over it. "How do you work this?" My mother laughs kindly, her fingers squeezing my shoulder gently. "Calm down, grasshopper. You'll learn in time. For now, I want to do this myself. Okay?" I nod once, moving backwards to allow her room to work.

Calvin chuckles, his fingers lacing through mine. "I adore you, you know that?"

I bow my head, staring at my feet as he loops a strand of my hair around his finger, his large hands then turning to my cheek. I feel his warmth flood through me, his skin calloused as he holds my face gently. "Why?"

He smirks, kissing my temple and pulling me in for a hug. "Because, Danny, you care for everyone and everything you meet. It doesn't matter who they are or what they have done. You love them."

I lift a shoulder, unused to the praise. "I've seen what happens to those who don't have anyone who cares for them. It's not something I would wish upon anyone."

Calvin looks as though he is about to say something, but the TARDIS lurches, bringing us inside the spaceship.

The Doctor hurries out without another word, smoke slipping inside as the door is opened.

I glance to Calvin and River before running after him, my braid sliding over my shoulder.

The door creaks shut behind me and I cover my mouth at the sight before me.

People lie on the ground, blood seeping from wounds on their heads, torsos, and limbs. Only a few move, moaning and groaning in pain as they try to lift themselves. The ship is shaped like a sphere on the inside too, decks lining the walls and housing small cubicles that look to hold beds and living quarters. The space laid out before me is vast, the size of almost four football fields, all of it filled with wreckage and injured.

The ship's interior is shattered, smoke and flames engulfing the beams that lie on the ground. Chairs and tables lie broken around the debris and unsettled dust, a few items that look like toys edge the area.

My heart almost stops. This isn't just a spaceship. This is a home.

And now I realize for the first time that the people around me are in groups. Not random groups though, but families, each face in the small circle of people looking similar. Children, teens, adults. All lying injured on the ground.

The Doctor crouches besides a small figure, brushing delicate hairs from the tiny face. He speaks quietly, his hand wrapped around the girl's fingers as she struggles to breathe. "It's okay. I'm here, it's the Doctor."

"Where are my mommy and daddy?" Her voice whispers, strained with agony. My father wipes tears and dirt from her cheeks, his own voice wavering as he speaks. "You'll be with them soon, I promise. Just relax, sweetie."

I shake my head and look at the forms around me, their dying souls weeping. "Dad?" I whisper, feeling my knees weaken. He turns his head, but he keeps his eyes on the girl before him.

"I can't breathe. I can't see! I can't see!" She screams, gasping for breath.

And then, nothing.

She lies still, her lifeless form held in the Doctor's arms.

I cover my mouth, a sob coming from my throat. "Who did this?" He grimaces, leaning over to look at another person who has been carried by death.

"I don't know. But I'm about to find out."

I turn slightly as Calvin and River Song step out, their faces mimicking my reactions. K-9 follows, his tail slowly lowering as he takes in the sight.

The Doctor nods to Melody, signalling for her to follow. "We'll split up. Danny, you and Calvin search for any survivors. Bring them into the TARDIS and bring them to the infirmary. Just ask the TARDIS for directions."

He begins to hurry off, River following close in his wake. K-9 turns and begins to scan people, his lights lowering at each lifeless body. I turn to Calvin, taking a deep breath as I try to block the image of the young girl's face from my mind. "How are we supposed to help them? I don't know anything except basic first-aid."

Calvin takes my hand and squeezes it, rolling up his sleeves. "We'll just have to make do. This place is pretty big, so we'll need to move fast."

He quickly grabs my waist as the spaceship lurches, lights flickering off and the air powering down. I breathe quietly, waiting as red emergency lights come on, an automated voice speaking over the intercoms. "The oxygen system has been damaged. Without repair, the ship contains three hours of air left."

I look to Calvin. "Three hours?"

We both turn quickly and hurry to each person, checking for pulses or signs of life. "Calvin, over here!" I lift a woman up, her stomach swollen. She groans, placing a hand on her side. "Oh! She's kicking!" I nod once, handing her to Calvin's waiting arms. "Careful, she's pregnant. Find the infirmary and see if the TARDIS has some automated person or machine that is a doctor."

He nods, half dragging half carrying her to the TARDIS.

I search over the floor, my heart breaking every time a heart beat stands still.

Before long we have gone through the entire first deck, only ten people out of the hundreds making it out alive. We finish making our way up almost ten flights of stairs before we reach the second of five decks.

I wipe sweat from my brow, shaking my head. "There are probably a thousand dead, down there alone, Calvin. How could anyone or anything do something like this?"

He shakes his head, and begins searching again. K-9 rolls over to me. "By my esitmate this process will take over six hours to complete. We still have three decks to search."

I look at him. "There are five decks."

"The Doctor is covering the fifth, Danielle. That's where the bridge is. That's where they are."

"Who are they?"

K-9 turns slightly at a sound, my heart racing as I see a large figure. "Oh, them."

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now