When Is This Festival

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When you came out of the mines, you realized just how easy it was to loose yourself in a menial task.

Usually you'd look at your watch to keep track of time, but for once in your life you weren't trying to get back home on time.

It was just you, the stones, and every hefty swing of your pickaxe.

The only thing that made you finally come out, the thing that reminded you that, 'oh yeah, everything still exists' was a buzz from the communicator in your pocket.

A message from Wilbur.

'Heading to the festival- you coming?'

It took you a brief glance and you were already confused by the message, but regardless, started heading back to base.

About five minutes later, he sent you another private message saying, 'We're gonna leave without you, gotta be there on time.'

But you just kept chugging, reaching the ravine to find it completely empty.

Which left you to sit down, and contemplate to yourself.

What festival??

Why had no one told you about this festival? Was it important??

Did they really go over this the one day you were gone for longer then a day??

It took an immense amount of effort to calm yourself, making tea, drinking the entire kettle, wringing your hands and waiting on the chest at the base of the steps.

A terrible feeling had settled into your gut, and you couldn't stop thumbing over your pocket watch. Your stare settled on your arm. Where your lines should be underneath your sleeve, yet none were there.

This festival was was just wrong.

You had to assume it was at 'Manberg.

And everything at 'Manberg stressed you out.

So you waited.

Just as anxious, as when you first sat down.

Completely ready for something horrible to be buzzed to your communicator.

And your suspicions were confirmed when a group of familiar people could be heard yelling at the top of the steps, clearly in the enclosed dirt room, and clearly, very very distraught about something.

What the fuck happened.

You lurched to your feet half running up the steps and completely stopping when they started coming down the steps.

You were instantly met with Tubbo.

Oh God.

What happened.

His entire right side of his face looked like it had been blown clean off. The scar that sat there was completely healed, spanning from his right temple, part of his eye, and down almost to his jaw.

You had your hands on his face before you could stop yourself, staring directly into his eyes and completely tuning out all the yelling that was happening.

"Are you alright?" You whispered, frantically searching this poor kids face for any emotion you could.

"I think? I've still got both eyes right?"

"Come here." Without any farther knowledge, you grabbed his hand and led him all the way down the steps to your little nook table, forcing him to sit and immediately starting to set some water to boil.

It was the only thing you could think to do.

The group followed with you, still yelling, and arguing, discourse sowed between specifically Tommy and Techno for a reason you didn't have the patience to know.

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