Burrow Bug

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You were awake.

You were awake and cozied in pelts.

Techno was asleep, lying on his stomach and snoozing peacefully away.

You kind of wish you were still asleep.

But there was a persistent buzz in the back of your head that forced you to just- exist.

A sensitive hyperawareness was now constantly burning in your head, tuned specifically into everything related to Technoblade.

Where he was, what he was doing, when you accidentally brushed hands, or how he made a chuffling noises whenever he was amused.

Everything he did, you were aware of now.


Sometimes you wouldn't even be consciously trying to take tabs on him.

You don't know what scared you more- the fact that you were doing it, or that you had been always doing it, but now you were self aware.


You rolled over, back facing him trying to focus your thoughts, maybe go back to snoozing.

His breaths were deep, and calming, slow and heavy. The perfect picture of slumber.

Come to think of it, Techno used to never sleep, but since arguing about who got the bed all those days ago, it's become such a consistent custom for the both of you.

You both sleep. Here. Together. And you both wake up. Here.

Body to body.

You feel your face ignite and frown at the wall.


You guys are friends.

You can't be weird about this.

Techno stirs, and you hear him shifting around. He wiggles closer to you, chin settling atop your head, arm sliding up your form before comfortably curling near the bottom of your ribcage.

He was leaning some of his weight on you, warmth encompassing your back and you couldn't help but close your eyes with contentment.

A low short croon unwillingly came from somewhere in your vocal chords, addressed to a sleeping Techno.

Warmth brushed your face and you rolled over, face to neck, chest to chest, you could feel your legs getting tangled.

A deep inhale in.

A deep exhale out.

He smelled good.


His pink hair tickled your nose and cheeks.

Your hand raised, threading through his locks and pulling them from around his neck, gently pulling and dropping them loosely on the side of the bed where his back was.

A part of you wanted to sink your hands into his hair, run up the back of his neck and feel just how soft it was.

But you didn't. You tried to keep your touching restrained- he wasn't some dog you can just pet.

A grumble came from him.

A yawn followed after.

You felt his ribs expand as he breathed, felt his chin pushing at your head as he groggily seemed to come to.

You didn't want to break the silence, and you didn't want him to start getting up and handle chores, so you did the reasonable thing.

Wrapping your arms as best you could you pulled him to you, squeezing like a hug and nuzzling into the warmth.

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