Tommy Advice

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Your talk with Wilbur left you feeling like shit- ironically- but you pushed through the feeling of dread in order to continue your day.

You drank your coffee, and you set off for the mines, doing a few rounds, coming back in between to drop off any new materials.

While you were down there you pulled up your communicator, sending a quick message to Phil, asking when he'd be good to call you-

He didn't see it- and he didn't respond, but you figured enough time would do the trick.

He forgot to bring his communicator with him all the time, so the several hours of radio static was expected.

It'd be a few days, or maybe few weeks before he'd respond, but you don't mind waiting.

Phil had a special place in your heart- he's good friend.

You just hoped Wilbur could wait that long. Not that he knows you're calling in a complete stranger to try and wrangle him in, but you figured it's better to ask forgiveness then permission.

Another few hours of mining, and you decided you've probably done enough for the day- nearly shivering with how cold it got near bedrock.

You moseyed back up your tunnels, twisting and turning until you reached the top of your staircase.

A staircase that situated itself directly on the far side of Pogtopia.

You moseyed in, moderately curious if anyone was back yet, but still gentle in your foot steps.

You wouldn't mind waiting longer for company.

Trotting up to the chest, you throw in the diamonds you found, and then turn to cook your metals-

The lapis was carefully kept in your bag, wrapped in a cloth to keep it from dying everything inside blue.

Who would want an entire bag full of items dyed blue? Certainly not you.

But you did want to use the blue to decorate later- maybe your bed post? Something cheesy like initials of all the people you consider friends?

Cheesy things are fun to do. So you thought it'd be a nice bonding moment.

Closing your bag, to crouch to stare into the furnace, giving the iron a harsh look before looking to the second furnace on the other side and giving your gold a harsh glare.


Watching things clearly makes them go faster.

So why not watch them?

What to do what to do-

Waiting was boring if you weren't sleeping, so you wander up the steps next, looking at L'dog when you reach the top before opening your ender chest.

So much ancient debris. You didn't have the heart to smelt it.

All a keepsake- most things you keep are keepsakes.


You still had a lot of space in it all things considered.

Debris aside, you had one of Phil's feathers, an enchanted compass from your brother, a flower from Tubbo, and one of Tommy failed attempts at smithing. Smithing specifically a helmet- that got left in the furnace for too long and melted into some sort of visor looking thing. A good visor. Kinda. If it wasn't goopy looking.

He gave it to you though, and you kept it because it was a gift.

Closing the ender chest, you circled to the regular chest, opening that instead to look for something for L'dog.

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