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"Remind me again why we're out this early in the morning?"


You wanted to know why you were up right now instead of sleeping the day away.

After what a confusing day yesterday was, you wanted to stay in solitude for as long as you could, but instead Techno was shaking you awake at an ungodly time, and telling you to get layered up.

Which lead you here.

Walking down the steps of the outside of Techno's snow covered house.

Every breath you exhaled condensed the moment it hit the air, cold snow crunching under the heel of your moderately oversized, not really yours, boots as you follow after Techno.

The sun had barely started to peak over the horizon, early morning hours making it feel like night.

Techno glanced back at you, squinting at your comment.

"Because I think you're at least healed enough to do something other then wait around." Techno mutters to you, crunching through the snow easily and turning around the corner of the house.

You stare at where he turned, layered upon layered with every sort of fabric Techno had in his house- yet still so cold despite it all. Your hands felt numb through the thick gloves, and despite the scarf wrapped around your face, your cheeks were all but frozen.

You huff.


Walk away then.

You follow after him around the corner, watching him walk right up to a little stable sort of area.

A massive, fluffy horse stood diligently near the wall of the house. The blanket it had on was thick, and for good purpose. With how cold it probably got at night, you figured the horse would need it.

It's ears perked up when it heard people approaching, a small snort coming out of its nose as it turned to see who was coming.



It was a really cute horse.

It was so incredibly fluffy- and its mane was so long that you couldn't see its eyes- its hooves were feathered, condensed snow dried to the fur there- but so adorable nonetheless.

It snorted again as you both got closer, Techno reaching the gate first and patting its muzzle as it calmly strut up to look at you both.

It barely paid any mind to Techno's petting, lazer focusing on the bucket in his hand.

"Greedy bastard." Techno mutters, before turning to you and holding the bucket out for you to grab, "Hold this."

You take it, awkwardly gripping the metal handle as Techno opens the gate- pushing the horse away from the exit and sliding the gate closed again.

The halter on the horses head was a bit dusted in snow, so when Techno grabbed it, he dusted cold flakes off of it.

"This isn't the same horse from last time." You say, staring at Techno as he hooked a lead onto the bottom of the horses halter, "He looks... slower then the one before. Not as-... thoroughbred as the other one."

"Definetly slower." He says, wandering around in the horse pen and tying the lead onto a peice of the fence. He swings around, patting the horse on the blanket and saying, "Meet Carl."

"Carl?" You laugh. Because of course Techno named his horse a human name. A lot of people liked naming horses eccentric things like Storm Breaker, and Moon Dancer- but then you've got Techno.

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