Getting Things Straight

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It wasn't too far of a distance to get to Tommy.

A ladder down a floor, another ladder down a floor, and finally- you stood over the ladder down to the last floor. A floor previously unknown to both you and Techno.

How long had he been here?

A day? A week?

How long was he this close with you having no knowledge of him?

You hovered near it, still considering avoiding any kind of conflict, but after a moment of running circles in your head, you decided.

Tommy was your friend.

Whether he wanted to ignore you or not, the least you can do is see how he's doing.

See if he actually wants you snooping around his mental health.

With a sigh, you sit down on your knees. The cold stone of the basement sent a shiver up your spine, but regardless, you raised a hand and loudly knocked on the ladder.

It felt rude to enter without warning.

"Hey- it's me!" You grimace at how awkward that sounded, "You know- the sunbathing weirdo who drinks tea and hot chocolate."

There's silence.

A long, contemplating silence.

You could almost picture the expression he could have on. Maybe still bitter about something? Confusion? Maybe vulnerable now that no one could stare at him while he panics?

When you got no response, you sighed, ready to turn back around and give him his space.

But then-

"Yeah, fuckin weirdo alright-"

A snarky voice says, and immediately you crouch back down with a smile.

"Hardy har- says the person who stakes out in other people's basements." You hope the playful bite to your tone of voice is obvious.

Another brief moment of silence.


He retorts.

"Chicken." You reply.

"Double mega bitch-"

You crack a laugh- "Double mega?? Come on, I deserve more creativity then that."

There's a rustling noise as he suddenly starts moving, the ladder creaks and his squinted pissy face is popping up and glaring at you, "Cock and balls." He blankly says, lifting two hands off the ladder to double flip you off. To which he almost falls off and quickly catches himself with one of his hands.

You break out into laughter.

What a fuckin dummy.

The harsh glare on his face splits- torn between wanting to look pissed off and wanting to laugh with you-

He settles for rolling his eyes and letting out a few jeering laughs.

You calm yourself placing a hand to your chest as though to catch your breath before looking him dead on in his baby blue eyes.

His face is contorted again.

That same bitter look melting onto his face. Something fond almost tried wiggling in with the smile- but he was trying desperately to wrangle it in.

'What happened?'

Was the only thing you wanted to ask, and know, and help with.

But you just-

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