Chapter 49: Yi Peng

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Sophia couldn't believe her eyes as they walked off the plane. Luca directly behind her holding their carry on bags. He had told her they could take his plane however TIMES had already set her up with business class tickets and a translator. She was nervous since she had never spoke Central Thai before. It was a foreign language to her which says a lot since she had traveled to many places before. 

Standing in the lobby is a woman where a long a nice blouse and a long skirt that goes to her feet. She has a sign that says Sophia Andrews on it. Sophia looks to Luca who already sees the sign. She reaches over taking his free hand before walking to the woman. She smiles upon her walking up. 

"ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ประเทศไทย or as you would say Welcome to Thailand!"

The woman bows her head gently making Sophia and Luca mimic her. She informs them that her colleague has already went to collect their luggage. The woman then begins leading them out of the airport as she speaks about certain things they would visiting as well as certain customs to be aware of. Sophia was unaware that showing your shoulders or feet could come across as disrespectful. The interpreter, Maylee, explained that it was taught that the feet are the dirtiest part of the body and should not be on display. The shoulders for a woman are thought to be intimate and for her husband only. The last big one was the touching of someone's face since that is sacred.

Luca almost groaned hearing this but Sophia nudged his side as she laughed gently. Maylee noticed his reaction and stated they were not bound by their traditions and should not feel pressure in doing so. Sophia laid her head on his shoulder as she took them to a car. They all got in with Maylee in the passenger seat, Luca and Sophia still holding hands in the backseat. Maylee continues pointing out different places along the way while Sophia soaked up everything her eyes could feast on. Although Luca was interested in the new surroundings, watching his tesoro's reaction was far more beautiful than any sight he could see.

Feeling eyes on her, Sophia turns her head to find Luca with an intense look in his eyes. He doesn't turn or shy away but simply leans over giving her a gentle kiss. Sophia blushes from the display of affection and turns back to the window trying to cool her heated cheeks. Luca on other hand is smiling ear to ear.

"Your company must care for you a great deal Ms. Andrews."

Sophia turns to Maylee, "What do you mean?"

"They have put you up in the executive suite at Shangri-La Hotel. A beautiful hotel miss."

Sophia just nods her head in understanding turning back capturing some of the beautiful sites as they drove by. "Don't worry miss, we will be having a full weekend planned for you and your husband."

"Actually, he isn't-"

"Thank you Maylee." Luca cuts her off making Sophia turn red again and bite her lip. She decides to not further correct her. Luca squeezes her hand but she refuses to turn to him just yet.

It doesn't take long for the car to pull up to the large hotel and Maylee helps check them in. Sophia was fascinated by the language and how fluently Maylee could go from her native tongue to English. They received their keys and Maylee helped take them up to the top floor. It dings at 12 and is opened up but their are only two doors on the floor. Maylee informs them that the suites are the very large up here and each have a private pool area on the top deck. Luca was impressed how well TIMES was taking care of Sophia.

Maylee informs them that the luggage should already be in their rooms and that she will give them an hour before coming back to collect them for dinner. She gives another graceful bow before exiting leaving the couple to look around. The suite was simply beautiful but Sophia's favorite part was the balcony connected to their room. She gasped walking out not realizing Luca was directly behind her.

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