Chapter 52: She is My Girl

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Sophia lifted her face to the warmth of the sun as she walked up to the door of her sister's house. A permanent smile printed her lips feeling like she was the luckiest girl in the world. She couldn't believe how her life had changed and she was finally believing she would have a future to look forward to. She knocks on the door and waits not even a minute before it opens. A yelp escaping Sophia as she slaps her hands over her eyes.

"Brad, could you put on a shirt?"

The man chuckles making her pout but none the less he turns walking into the house. Sophia drops her hands after hearing his footsteps fade away. She walks into the living room looking around finding little things that have changed. Her hand gliding over the photos finding some now of Jessica, Brad, and Destiny when they went to a park or something. Her heart melting at the bright smiles on all their faces.

"We went to the beach and on the way back found a small park. Destiny loved the swings."

Sophia glances finding Brad walking to her now fully clothed as his lip tilts up gazing at the photo. She walks to him hugging him as he rubs her back. When she pulls back she finds his eyes still looking at the photos on the wall. His mind seemingly to be elsewhere.

"Where is Jess and Destiny?"

"They ran into town to get some groceries." Sophia nods her head before walking over to the couch sitting down. Brad following her and dropping beside her with warm propped on the back of the couch looking at her with a raised brow and an amused smile on his lips. "You seem to be glowing?"

Sophia rolled her eyes knowing exactly what he was implying but couldn't hide the heat creeping up her neck. Brad chuckles playfully poking her now rosy cheek. She turns her narrowed eyes onto him making him laugh that much harder. She looks like an angry kitten rather than the ferocious lion she wants to be. She slaps his arm making him simmer down slightly.

"How was the trip?"

"Amazing! We had an incredible time and the light festival was just... wow." She sighs recalling how the night sky looked.

"Did anything else happen while you wee over there?" Brad asks intrigued.

Sophia gasps turning to him grabbing his hands. Brad grins wide at her. "Oh! I got to visit a Buddha Temple!"

And just like that, Brad's grin disappeared making Sophia tilt her head at him. He clears his throat recovering. He was so confused, Jess told him that Luca had talked to her recently about proposing to Sophia. Luca obviously hasn't done it yet but that begs the question why??

"That's... exciting." Brad says but Sophia only looks to him confused. He doesn't sound excited at all.

"What's wrong?"

"Hmm, oh nothing- Sorry my thoughts left me for a second there." Brad waves his hand dismissively.

"I got your text, is that what your thinking about?" Sophia asks recalling the message.

Brad takes a deep breath exhaling slowly now recalling his thoughts from a few days ago. He nods his head before taking one of her hands into his own. She gives him a good squeeze and waits patiently for him.

"I want your opinion on something..." Sophia nods her head. "So a few nights ago we were getting ready for bed and Jess was cleaning up the kitchen so I had princess with me. She was getting sleepy and refused to fall asleep. She was laying down in her crib whimpering and flailing around."

"Has she rolled over yet?" Sophia has to asks.

"She is so close but hasn't yet." Sophia nods looking back down to her lap. "Anyways, I picked her up and she instantly went quiet..."

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