Chapter 58: Best "Man"

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Luca straightened out the tux as the man near his leg was pinning a certain spot. His eyes focused on the material as he gazed at himself in the mirror. He could only imagine how this was for Sophia a few weeks ago. His mother had come one morning claiming she was stealing her soon to be daughter. Sophia looked adorable as my aunt and sister dragged her from our home. I couldn't have helped but laughed at her expression that day. From what I was told, it was a fun day for all. 

"How does that feel Mr. Sanford?"

Luca nodded his head in reply as the bell above the door dinged. The man stood up ready to go to the new client while Luca kept tugging at the jacket in attempts to straighten it. He wanted this day to be perfect. He was acting crazier than Sophia. They went cake testing and she was very simple in her choice as where he wanted to try everything. They decided on a simple marveled cake with a white buttercream icing. Sophia laughed at him multiple times at how picky he was that day. 

She gave up on the day of choosing the food and told him 'what ever you decide is fine'. He felt irritated that she wasn't opinionated enough however when he voiced it- She had become a second him resulting in them not getting anything accomplished. It was quite funny now thinking about it all. 

He was glad that the wedding was in one week. They had decided to have it at his childhood home. His mom was elated and happy to host. Both deciding that close family and friends would only be invited. Sophia didn't want a lavish reception with people that didn't matter to her. She had invited her boss,  the editor and chief of TIMES. Luca was happy to meet the man that had continued to take care of his Tesoro. 

Almost everything was in place, the only thing left to do was for Luca to choose his Best Man. Jessica was of course be the maid of honor and surprisingly Sophia had asked Brad to walk her down the isle which resulted in him crying hysterically. Luca has never been really to close to certain people but he had realized who it was that he relied on as of lately and had decided to ask for them to come today to meet him. 

"It's perfect Boss Man. Stop tugging at it!"

He turned around with a brow raised as Taylor stood there with her hands on her hips. The little spit fire was grinning smugly at him. He rolled his eyes turning back to the mirror one last time. He could hear her heels click on the step leading to the platform. He felt her adjust the back of the jacket once before running her hands of his shoulders brushing it off. She then rounded him on the platform as she focused on the tuxedo. 

He had asked Sophia what she thought of the idea and she immediately loved it. It was true that when Sophia was sick, or for any reason he was out, Taylor would step up to the plate. She had helped his dad keep the meetings in order while still handling her role in finance. She was a god send to Luca and he realized that she was irreplaceable . Taylor was naturally a head strong woman but was also kind hearted. She worked for everything she got and refuse to bend to others. It was a remarkable set of traits to have. 

Taylor moved back off the steps as she stood against the mirror with a gentle smile and an affirmative head nod before looking to Luca. "It looks wonderful Luca."

"I appreciate but I hadn't asked you here for the tux." 

Taylor raises a brow but before Luca can continue, the tailor comes back telling him he can change. Luca nodded walking back into the dressing room as he changed back into his own suit. He walked out of the room and found Taylor sitting on a couch near the front of the shop. He handed the tux over to the tailor thanking him before heading over to Taylor. She put her phone away ready to stand but stopped mid way as Luca sat beside her. Her body slowly sitting back down on the couch. 

"You're scaring me boss man. If you're about to fire me, this is a shitty way to do it." 

Luca chuckles shaking his head side to side. "We both know, I couldn't fire you not only because Sophia would hang me...  You're essential to the company."

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