Chapter Fifty-Four : we were estranged

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Chapter Fifty-Four : we were estranged


We made it to the air bnb that they rented out for the two weeks we were staying and it was right on the beach which made me assume the money that was put into it. It was a four bedroom house. The Porters all agreed that I get my own room which I think is complete shit. All rooms had queen sized beds excluding the master. Paige and Nora were sharing a room, Kayla was sleeping on the couch downstairs and then Malcolm got his own room, I got my own room and their parents got the master which was a king size bed. I would've very easily taken the couch but Kayla insisted that she'd take it. We got there around ten almost eleven, we were late on leaving because their dad got home an hour later than he was hoping. My mom was supposed to come on the trip but since Michaels was back she decided not to.

We were unpacked by midnight and Nora was already in bed asleep, their parents were next to going to sleep leaving the four of us wide awake.

"Actually I kinda want a bed," Kayla commented looking at Paige who could care less.

"You technically should've went off to school again, so you really weren't invited," Paige commented coldly.

"You can have my room," I offered and Kayla declined quickly.

"No, I mean three's not a crowd on the bed is it?" Kayla then asked.

"There's also a couch in the basement Kayla," Paige looked at her like she wasn't going to back down on this.

"Come on it'd be fun, all three of us girls having some spring break fun."

"Nora needs her sleep, your so called spring break fun will be a complete joke," Paige wasn't happy with Kayla and I knew not to get into this.

"Why are you like this?" Kayla asked, "if I asked Nora right now if I could be in the same room with you guys she'd be okay with it."

"She'd actually tell you to ask Paige," Malcolm commented, eating some cheez-it's that they brought for the trip.

"Okay so she would but like why can't we?" she then asked.

"Because I don't like you," Paige looked at Kayla with no guilt, no remorse. Just anger.

"Come on Paige you can't possibly mean that," she laughed it off like it was all a joke but Paige wasn't laughing.

"Your right, I hate you with every fiber in my body. Stop trying to force a relationship with me. Let it come naturally for once," Paige walked out the back door and Kayla was quiet.

"She can't possibly," her voice faded and she looked at Malcolm, "why can't she forgive me?"

"Put yourself in her shoes, you put her through shit. Mom and dad did and said nothing and you continued. If it was opposite, you were Paige and Paige was you, would you forgive her for the trouble she caused you?" Malcolm asked.

"Yes," Kayla answered right away.

"Then you really don't see the damage," Malcolm shook his head.

I wanted to check on her, I always did before. But I don't want her to feel like I'm imposing or trying to get her back. I just want to be there for her.

"I'm gonna go try to sleep," I cleared my throat and Malcolm nodded while Kayla was in her own thoughts.

I walked past the patio door and I looked back, saying goodnight isn't imposing is it?

I opened the patio door and I saw her sitting on the patio furniture looking out where from a distance I could hear waves.

"Hey, I just wanted to say goodnight," and she looked back at me, from the moon I saw that she had been crying but she wiped them away.

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