The First Mission

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(Two Days Later, Morning, Junes)

"Morning", Amaya greeted, as she and Sakiya walked up towards a table where Yu was sitting at

"Good Morning", Yu greeted back

"with everything dying down at our place, we thought we'd be late", Sakiya stated

"yep, anyway, what happened with the Midnight Channel", Amaya asked

"well, Yukiko was seen on the T.V. going into what seemed to be of a castle in the T.V. world, it's one of the reasons why we're here", Yu explained as then Yosuke walked up to the group

"sorry for the holdup, I found some stuff we can use in the closet at home, take a look at these", Yosuke said, pulling out fake weapons, "we've got personas, but a golf clubs not that reliable of a weapon",

"Yosuke, you idiot", Amaya whisper-yelled

"although their fake, police are all over Inaba", Sakiya stated

"four suspicious kids, one armed with multiple weapons, requesting immediate backup", a voice stated as then a policeman ran towards the group which made Yosuke panic

"sir, this is a big misunderstanding... they're cosplay weapons", Amaya stated

"yeah, she's right, we were just scolding this guy here for bringing them, they're harmless, we promise", Sakiya explained, the cop took a look at the weapons in Youske's hands, before he radioed in the false alarm, and took the weapons away

"at least we're not being dragged off to the station", Amaya muttered as the group sat down, and continued talking about what happened to Yukiko and scolding Yosuke at the same time, not long after, Chie ran up to everyone

"there you guys are", Chie said

"sorry, we had a misunderstanding, we'll tell you about it later, anyways, something's up with Yukiko-san", Yosuke stated

"you know already... I kept dialing her phone, but she didn't pick up... so I went to her house, and it turns out Yukiko really did disappear", Chie said

"I guess we got no other choice but to go now", Yosuke said

"I'm going too, and that's final, I'm going to save Yukiko no matter what", Chie stated

"however, police confiscated our weapons, we can't go in empty-handed", Yosuke muttered

"weapons... I know just the place", Chie said, motioning for the group to follow her as the four got up and followed Chie out of Junes and inside a weapons shop

"wh-what kind of shop is this", Yosuke asked in shock

"a metalworks... I guess, they sell all sorts of metal stuff... like katanas and stuff", Chie stated

"doesn't that seem weird to you, why would you know about a place like this anyway", Yosuke asked

"rumors and gossip", both Amaya and Sakiya said in unison as Chie nodded her head, signaling to the two that they were right, she then walked up towards the counter and bought a weapon, later walking back to see what the others would get

"y'know... if we wear this stuff around town, It'll get confiscated, yet, we can't just waltz into Junes with a sack full of gear without anyone noticing either", Yosuke stated

"why not conceal them under our uniforms, I don't think people would notice", Chie said

"okay... let's try that", Yosuke said with unease

"alright, get what we need, and meet up at the Junes food court, sound good", Amaya asked as everyone nodded their heads, Chie left the store as the twins walked up to the counter and got what they needed, as they left, Yu and Yosuke got what they needed and left, everyone going their separate ways to avoid suspicion and made their way back to Junes

"I feel like we stick out", Sakiya muttered

"sales should end soon, that'll get rid of some of the people walking around", Yosuke stated

"I guess it's time then", Amaya said as everyone walked over to the electronics department and entered the T.V, world,

(T.V. World)

"whoa, it really is that bear from last time", Chie said

"what're you doing", Yosuke asked

"can't you tell, I'm thinking about stuff", Teddie stated, "I've been deli-bear-ating over it for a long time now, hey, that wasn't a bad joke, heehee",

"did you figure anything out", Amaya asked

"eh, it's probably useless to think about it too much, I've seen the inside of your skull, and it was empty", Yosuke stated

"wait... what", Sakiya asked in shock

"how rude", Teddie yelled before calming down, "you're right though, I try and try but nothing comes out of my head",

"will you guys shut up, now's not the time for stupid jokes, listen... someone came here yesterday, right", Chie asked

"wow, there's another girl with a better nose than me, what's your name, Miss", Teddie asked

"m-miss, uh... I'm Chie, but never mind that, tell me more about that "someone", Chie asked

"I think it happened a little after I talked with most of you guys, after that, it felt like someone was here", Teddie stated

"is it Yukiko-san", Yosuke asked

"I don't know, I haven't looked... the presence is over that way, that's probably where they are", Teddie said, pointing towards a direction

"is everyone ready", Chie asked

"lead the way, Teddie", Amaya said as everyone ran off towards the direction, only to come across a castle

"what the... a castle", Chie said in shock

"you're positive that no one's behind camera for that bizarre midnight program", Yosuke asked

"program... I don't know, maybe people on your side can see stuff in this world, it might be that", Teddie stated

"I doubt a cameraman, if you remember with sis and I, the channel showed us in there when we weren't in there just yet", Amaya explained

"and I told you before, there's only me and the shadows here", Teddie added, "yet, I've never seem this "program-channel" thingy before, so I don't know",

"well... is that really what's happening, are we really looking into this world", Chie asked, "because the first time Yukiko showed up on the channel was before she disappeared, doesn't that seem off, I mean, Yukiko saying stuff like "score myself a hot stud", that's not like her at all",

"throughout the time we've known you and Yukiko, I've never once heard her say anything like that", Amaya stated as Sakiya nodded her head

"yeah, I couldn't believe it either... Yukiko-san would never say anything like that", Yosuke added

"there's a lot of stuff I still don't get, but after hearing your story... but I think that "program" happens because of a person who appears on it, or something like that...", Teddie stated

"so... Yukiko is producing that show herself... ugh, I don't get this at all", Chie said, "hey... do you feel Yukiko's presence from inside",

"I'm pretty sure", Teddie said, a second later, Chie ran off inside the palace, ignoring Yosuke's protests and warnings as the group ran in after her.

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