The Killers Identity

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(The Next Day, Evening, Shopping District)

as everyone woke up, no one from the group met up, however, they immediately got to work, going around Inaba and asking the locals about the murders that had happened, in hopes of finding the true killer, after talking with pretty much everyone in Inaba, the group met up.

"I'm pooped", Chie mumbled, "this stuff's a lot harder when you don't have a badge to flash... I walked around all day and didn't hear anything good",

"it was the same for me", Yukiko stated, "there was absolutely no talk about the case whatsoever, let alone the true culprit",

"ditto for me", Rise added, "actually in my case, I kept getting bombarded with questions and couldn't get them onto the main subject at all... the killer must be pretty good to have pulled this off without being seen by anyone in this small town",

"what should we do", Yosuke asked

"it'd be best if we all take a small break, leave the subject for a bit and clear our heads, then come back to it", Amaya said as everyone agreed, going to a nearby restaurant and ordering food, after their food was finished, everyone began talking about the case once again, telling everyone what they've learned so far.

"so, to sum up... there really was no new information... the end", Chie said

"the police had an unusually large number of officers in their initial investigation of the first two incidents", Naoto explained, "to find facts that even they overlooked would be difficult indeed, now that over half a year has passed, there wasn't a single report of suspicious persons being witnessed to begin with... Ms. Yamano had ardent fans whereas Saki-San didn't, but otherwise the conditions are the same",

"you know, every time I tried to ask about the case, everyone ignored me and kept ranting about the fog", Kanji stated

"yeah, that or the Midnight Channel", Rise added, "I asked around about Teddie too... but no one's seen him... I wonder where he could've gone",

"do you have anything, Naoto, any new, uh... deductions", Yosuke asked

"without any new data to work with, there isn't much I can do... but there must be someone in town who meets all the criteria for this case", Naoto stated, "the killer must have a connection to both Saki-San and Ms. Yamano, as well as be in a position to observe our actions periodically, to some extent... finally, it must be someone who could approach Senpai's house without arousing suspicion",

"we can rule out Namatame for a solid alibi", Sakiya added

"and with how your folks at home reacted, we can rule them out as well", Amaya added as well

"yet, we're still left with the same question", both Amaya and Sakiya said in unison as Yu was lost in thought for a second before something hit him, he had an answer.

"Adachi", Yu said

"huh... what about him", Yosuke asked

"Detective Adachi... a member of the police force... that is an interesting approach, it would certainly explain the lack of witness reports", Naoto explained, "it's the same reason no one ever reported seeing Namatame's truck",

"it's a small town, so everyone must've known who he is", Yosuke said, "and since he's a detective, people definitely wouldn't have thought of him as being suspicious",

"in fact, he could use his position as an advantage to hide critical information", Naoto stated

"yet, Adachi's your textbook lousy detective, are we really on the right track here", Yosuke asked

"the textbook lousy detective act could just be fake", both Amaya and Sakiya said in unison

"but, Adachi said he came to escort Ms. Yamano and...", Yukiko began

"was he at your inn when the announcer was staying there", Naoto asked

"when Ms. Yamano was staying at our inn, the media were swarming all over it", Yukiko explained, "that's when Adachi arrived, saying he had been assigned to guard her... he told our waitress that fame could be rough",

"guard her... he didn't spend the night there", Naoto asked

"he did call out to a girl in my class, I found out this afternoon", Kanji stated, "but I thought, you know, that's just how cops are, so I didn't think it had anything to do with the case",

"Adachi also questioned Saki-San, the one who found the announcer's body, on numerous occasions", Naoto explained, "I heard it was because there was little information about the case at the time, but... it's certainly unusual to question someone with as strong an alibi as hers multiple times",

"then you think he had something else on mind", Chie asked

"and that something is what connects those two victims to Adachi", Yosuke added, "come to think of it... we've been running into him a lot, in all sorts of places, and would tell us what the police were doing before saying, "I said too much",  and clamming up, was that to drop us off the trail",

"it would be no problem for him to drop that warning letter into your mailbox, either", Rise said, not to mention the fact that he can destroy any evidence that might point to him",

"then... is it really Adachi", Yukiko asked

"we need to confirm this", Yu said

"we should work to confirm this theory as soon as possible", Naoto stated, as Naoto got up to call for Adachi, only to hear that Namatame's transfer was today, wasting no time, the group rushed over to the hospital, in hopes to catch Adachi.

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