Farewells and Future

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(A Few Weeks Later, Daytime, Station)

"well, this is it", Yosuke said, as Yu's final day in Inaba came, everyone gathered around at the station for one final farewell

"you really are leaving, it hasn't really hit me", Chie said

"n-no more Senpai from t-tomorrow on...", Rise stuttered, crying soon after

"hey, quit crying... it's way too soon for that", Kanji said, but Rise couldn't control her tears

"big bro... I don't want you to go away", Nanako stated, running up to Yu and giving him a hug

"Nanako... didn't you promise that you wouldn't cry", Dojima asked

"don't worry, I'll be back soon, promise", Yu said as Nanako nodded her head

"building a case against Adachi is going pretty smoothly, after all, he's made a full confession to his crimes", Dojima explained, "there haven't been any more incidents since then, Inaba's finally back to it's normal, peaceful self, and Nanako's better now too, I couldn't ask for anything more, thanks for everything, to me, you're just as much a part of this family as Nanako, I'm really glad you came to stay with us",

"man, this town's gonna feel empty without ya, Senpai", Kanji said

"you better come visit us, if not, I'll personally drive down there on my motorcycle and drag you back here myself", Amaya stated, making Yu chuckle

"don't worry, I'll visit any chance I get", Yu reassured

"it's almost time, you'd better get on the train", Dojima said as Yu nodded his head

"well, see ya", Yosuke said

"good luck over there too", Yukiko said

"if anything happens on your end, we'll come running", Chie reassured

"until we meet again, Senpai", Naoto said

"senpai, I'll be waiting for you", Kanji said

"see ya, take care", Rise said

"I'll be looking forward to seeing you again", Teddie said

"safe travels", Sakiya said

"see you soon", Amaya said

"well, be careful", Dojima said

"I'll see you, big bro, bye-bye", Nanako said

"see you all soon", Yu said, getting on the train, as the train began moving, everyone ran alongside the train, saying farewell to Yu, pretty much making sure to call, and visit, making Yu smile as the train left the station, Yu was officially heading home

(Years Later, Daytime, Yongen Jaya)

"you two all set", Yu asked, fixing his glasses, although he has no need of them, he still uses them

"yes dad, sis and I are ready for college", Yu's son, Kai said

"we don't leave until a few days, that, and mom probably won't let us leave", Yu's daughter, Aya, stated, although Kai and Aya are twins, the two share similar personalities

"where is your mother anyway", Yu asked

"probably in the office upstairs", both Kai and Aya said in unison

"I'll go get her, you two stay here", Yu said as the twins nodded their heads and walked over to the living room as Yu walked upstairs, while walking, he couldn't help but think about the others, Chie and Yosuke actually got together, now married with their second child on the way, Yukiko and Kanji got together, Yukiko officially runs the Amagi Inn with Kanji's help, even their daughter helps out, Naoto stayed in Inaba, now on the police force fully, she is also married with a child on the way, Rise went back to showbiz, though she now takes breaks every now and then, she no longer has any pressure there, she is also married with a third child on the way, Sakiya was also married, she often visits with their niece Luna in tow, and Amaya moved out to the city with Yu once they got married, although everyone's apart, they all still meet up and hang out every chance they get, as Yu entered their home office, he was greeted with a crying Amaya, her face on the desk

"hey, what happened", Yu asked, rushing over to her

"s-sis", Amaya said

"hey, deep breath, what happened", Yu asked

"hospital... drunk driver... Luna's... t-the only survivor" Amaya said between sobs, making Yu shocked

"hey, it's ok, hang on, I'll be back soon", Yu reassured, as Amaya nodded her head and Yu left the room, later pulling out his phone and dialing his niece's number, after a few rings, she answered

"hello", Luna greeted, yet, Yu could tell she had been crying

"hey, how you doing", Yu asked

"I'm fine", Luna said

"no you're not, Luna, I want you to come here with Amaya and I, at least until your better", Yu stated

"no, I can...", Luna began

"no buts... I'm getting you a train ticket, and I expect you to be here in a few days, if not, I'm coming and bringing you here myself, got it", Yu said, sternly

"fine", Luna said

"alright, see you soon", Yu said as he hung up the phone, later re-entering the room to tell Amaya the news

(A Few Month's Later, Daytime)

"alright guys, I'm heading out", Luna called out

"nope, no you're not", Yu called out, a small smile on his face

"but Uncle Yu, my friends and I are going to the beach today, can you please make an exception", Luna asked,

"your uncle's messing with you", Amaya said, "just give us updates when you can, It's gonna be crowded over there",

"thank you, thank you, thank you, see you guys soon", Luna said, hugging Amaya, and running out the door,

"she's changed a lot", Yu said

"yeah, you made the right call... though I miss sis dearly, I'm missing my babies", Amaya said making Yu laugh

"Kai and Aya already came to visit, they're heading back towards college", Yu said

"don't remind me", Amaya muttered

"at least Luna's happy here", Yu said

"yeah... she also does make a good Phantom Thief", Amaya said, making Yu look at her

"how do you know she's a Phantom Thief", Yu asked

"one of her friends talks a bit too loud over the phone, and I have perks with being silent, you know that", Amaya explained

"true, I had a feeling that she was involved, but kept it to myself", Yu said as Amaya nodded her head

"she's a lot like sis than me, unafraid to venture in", Amaya said with a sigh, "though we did have some crazy adventures, right",

"yeah", Yu said as both Yu and Amaya continued with what they were doing, enjoying their lives at the fullest.

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