The Mansion of Horrors

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(The Next Day, Daytime, Junes)

"how did we not know that it was Aya on T.V.", Chie asked in shock

"the person on didn't talk at all, and her actions seemed different", Yukiko explained

"it's my fault", Sakiya mumbled

"it's not your fault", Kanji reassured

"it is, she went out to clear her head, she seemed stressed this past week", Sakiya shouted, "I should've gone with her, or told her no",

"true, she was a bit off, after she guessed correctly when Rise was in the other world", Yu stated, "she doesn't want to see anyone on the Midnight Channel anymore like we all do",

"but something doesn't make sense, her shadow had already been dealt with, how come it's back", Yosuke asked

"that's a mystery to me", Teddie stated

"what of your parents", Rise asked

"they seemed worried that she didn't come home, I managed to have them avoid calling the police", Sakiya explained, "I ended up saying that she was at Rise's place due to the rain, beings they don't fully know you, we managed to avoid a bullet, but they'll expect her back today",

"then let's not waste any time, let's go in and save Amaya", Rise stated as everyone nodded their heads

(T.V. World)

arriving in the T.V. World, Rise used her persona to track down Amaya's location, not long after, following Rise, the group arrived at the mansion, the fog there was thick, giving the place an eerie vibe.

"are you sure... that this is it", Chie asked with unease

"I'm certain, Amaya's somewhere inside, once we're inside, I'll figure out where she's at", Rise stated, the group walked inside, only to see darkness, the only light there was, was a fake moonlight that shined through the broken windows, but the fog had covered up most of the light, and parts in the mansion, not long after, an eerie laugh was heard, making the group jump.

"w-were inside... any sign of Aya", Chie asked, panic in her voice

"she... she's up ahead", Rise stated as the group ran forward with caution, not long after, the group entered a room where a silhouette was seen, the group immediately recognized it as Amaya's Shadow.

"hey, you, where's Aya", Chie shouted, making Shadow Amaya turn around

"you're looking at her", Shadow Amaya stated in sarcasm

"she meant the real Amaya", Yukiko stated

"oh, her... she's experiencing a little nightmare, but now's not the time for that", Shadow Amaya said, "the next part of the show is about to begin, the second ruler will be there soon",

"second ruler", Yosuke asked, confused

"from what I can tell, Amaya-Chan's shadow isn't a threat, but this second ruler confuses me", Teddie stated

"if you'd like to meet the second ruler... then follow me, the next part of the show's about to start soon", Shadow Amaya explained, as she ran away

"umm... guys, I'm getting high readings... what's going on", Rise asked

"the shadows are agitated, best to be cautious when going further in", Teddie responded as Rise nodded her head, the group ran ahead, attempting to catch up with Shadow Amaya, after climbing up a couple floors, they found Shadow Amaya.

"it looks like the guests of honor have arrived... and just in time too", Shadow Amaya said

"what are you talking about", Kanji asked

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