The 8-Bit Palace

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Mitsuo's palace was different than the other palaces that most had been to, it seemed to be of a 8-bit game, above the entrance, two options were there, one labeled "Game Start" and the other, "Continue", the layout of the place seemed different to everyone.

"what is this... some kinda game", Chie asked

"well, he did taunt us, saying "try and catch me"... I guess he thinks of all this as a game", Yosuke stated

"ugh... I hereby sentence him to a hundred kicks to the face", Chie shouted in anger

"man, this is old-school", Yu commented

"gotta admit... all guys love games", Yosuke stated

"so do girls", Amaya and Sakiya protested in unison

"and all girls love Teddie", Teddie stated, but everyone walked away, entering the palace, the palace seemed to be active, a textbox appeared, asking either "Begin a new quest" or "end your quest", somehow, "begin a new quest" was selected as the textbox then asked to enter a name, the name Mitsuo was entered in before the textbox went away, the game had started, running forward, defeating shadows, textbox's appeared all around the place, leaving everyone confused, Rise especially, although the textbox's got annoying, Rise couldn't get rid of them, leaving an area of the palace, they all arrived in an another area, it was similar to the floor's below, but the color was different, the previous floors were brown, almost tan, but the floor they were on, they were blue.

"just a hunch, but I think we're getting close", Amaya stated as the team nodded their heads and continued forward, not long after, the team found Mitsuo

"look, there he is", Chie shouted as everyone ran up to him, and his shadow

"you Mitsuo, you better be ready to pay", Kanji stated

"wait, Kanji... somethings not right", Yosuke said as the team watched the two

"everyone get's on my nerves... that's why I did it", Mitsuo shouted, "what do you think of that, say something... nobody even thought of me after the first two people, that's why I went for the third one, I killed them... wh-what're you all quiet for...",

"because... I feel nothing", Shadow Mitsuo said

"what're you talking about", Mitsuo asked in anger

"what the... which one's the shadow", Chie asked in a hushed tone

"I... have nothing... I am nothing... and you... are me", Shadow Mitsuo stated

"what... what's that supposed to mean, I'm... I'm not nothing", Mitsuo protested

"no, if this keeps up", Yukiko began, but it alarmed Mitsuo, he then turned around to see the team there

"wh-who are you guys, how'd you get in here", Mitsuo asked, "what are you doing here",

"shut up, we came after you", Kanji stated

"are you the killer", Chie asked as Mitsuo began laughing

"of course I am, I'm the one behind everything", Mitsuo explained, "I don't care what this imposter's saying, you hear that, you have nothing to do with me, get outta my sight, that goes for the rest of you, too... why'd you chase me all the way here, I'll kill you, I'll kill all of you, I can do it, you know, I can do anything",

"so you don't accept me", Shadow Mitsuo asked as he transformed

"ugh... here we go again", Yosuke groaned

"get ready, everyone, once we beat him, this case is good as closed", Rise stated, everyone nodded their heads and charged forward, Shadow Mitsuo changed into different characters, one being a soldier, although the battle was tough, everyone giving it their all. then, the team managed to take the shadow down.

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