Summer Plans

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(A Few Days Later, After School, Junes)

"I'm kinda bummed... not just because exams are over, but... the whole thing with the police finding a suspect", Chie stated, exams had left, and to the group, summer vacation had started, sort of.

"we still don't know yet, they haven't made an arrest", Yosuke said

"so... we gotta sit on our thumbs", Kanji asked

"looks that way", Amaya said as then Adachi came by, from what they got, the suspect hasn't been caught yet, but it would be only a matter of time before they did.

"now I'm really worried", Yosuke said, "on the other hand... if the police have a search warrant out for the guy, we should stay out of it",

"yeah", Kanji agreed

"any idea how Teddie's doing", Chie asked, changing the subject

"oh yeah, I forgot to mention it to you, check this out", Yosuke said, the group turned their heads to see Teddie, as his normal self, handing balloons out to kids, "I let him stay at my place, in return, he's now our official store mascot",

"aaah, so he's hiding in plain sight, reverse psychology, huh", Kanji stated, "man... he looks like one happy bear",

"he kept saying that he didn't wanna go back, so I made him a deal", Yosuke stated, "now, since I've got nothing better to do... I'm gonna go bug him",

"ooh, I wanna go too", Chie said, not long after, everyone got up to pester Teddie for a bit, after awhile, everyone returned home for the rest of the evening, hearing no new news about the murder case

(The Next Day, After School, Yasogami High)

"we're finally free", Yosuke cheered, as classes ended for the day, summer vacation, "hey, why don't we go somewhere during summer vacation, my motorcycle's back from the shop",

"hey, you guys have motorcycles, lucky you", Rise said

"your scooter's fixed, I'm surprised they got it back together after... Hanako-senpai, was it", Kanji stated

"did something happen with Yosuke and Hanako-san", Chie asked

"he was strikin' out with the ladies and got his scooter busted up", Kanji explained

"whoa, Yosuke's after Hanako-san", Chie said in shock

"I-I'll back you up", Yukiko said

"I wasn't talking about anything like that", Yosuke shouted, "I was saying we should go somewhere over summer vacation, like the beach, It'd be a pain to go by train, but a motorcycle...",

"hm, I haven't been to the beach in a long time either", Yukiko said

"the bright sun, the glistening waves, that luscious scent drifting from nearby stands, the dripping of meat juices...", Chie fantasied

"is food all you can think about", Yosuke asked

"hey, why don't we get our licenses too, it's just a written test, right", Rise asked

"we can't we're too young", Kanji stated

"aww, sorry, but my birthday was last month, so I'm sixteen now", Rise said

"hey, that's cheating", Kanji argued

"it's a good idea for licenses, it only takes about a week", Yosuke said

"it's supposed to be for work, but there's a scooter at the inn", Yukiko stated

"we got one as a gift at the office that's just sitting around, I bet I could borrow it if I asked", Rise said

"I know our dad has one", Amaya said

"and so did our grandpa", Sakiya stated

"though they might need a tune up, we could ask", both Amaya and Sakiya stated in unison

"huh, is this actually working out... how about you, Chie", Yosuke asked

"one of our relatives loves motorcycles, maybe he has a scooter I can borrow", Chie said

"whoa... this might really happen, let's all get our licenses and hit the beach together", Yosuke stated

"hold up, what about Teddie", Kanji asked

"hmm, if he doesn't move around, he could pass as luggage", Yosuke responded

"that's stretchin' a little...", Kanji began

"it'll be fine, if we can't get him on with one of us, we'll just strap on some wheels and tow him", Yosuke explained, making Yukiko laugh

"anyway, looks like we're set on going to the beach", Yosuke said as everyone agreed, as the group left school that day, almost everyone took the test to get their license then returned home for the rest of the evening.

The Twin Persona'sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora