The Truth

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(Evening, Police Station)

"Nanako-Chan's gone", Yosuke shouted, bursting into the room where Yu was held in, the news shocking both Yu and Dojima

"what do you mean", Dojima asked in shock

"Amaya and Sakiya called everyone, left you a voicemail too, Naoto's there as well, she's on the phone", Yosuke explained as Dojima snatched the phone from Yosuke's hand

"Shirogane, you there, what's going on", Dojima asked sternly

"the twins and I are at your house right now, the front door's open and there's no one inside", Naoto explained, "as for the twins, they saw a car speeding away from the house, I'm afraid Nanako-Chan has been kidnapped by our serial killer, this case isn't over",

"is this true, has Nanako really been...", Dojima muttered

"we have to hurry", Yu said in panic

"why, why Nanako", Dojima shouted, before calling for back up for checkpoints before Dojima left to search for Nanako, by himself, a some time later, the girls ran inside

"so what's going on", Chie asked

"if we explain the situation, then you'll release him, is that right", Naoto asked as Adachi nodded his head, "very well, there's no doubt in my mind that this is a kidnapping by the same culprit who was behind the others, now, considering he front door at Nanako-Chan's house was open and both Amaya and Sakiya saw a car speeding away, I examined it, and found no trace that entry had been forced",

"you mean... Nanako-Chan opened the door herself", Chie asked

"precisely, the culprit didn't sneak in, he cane boldly up to the front door and pressed the doorbell", Naoto stated

"like how it was for most of us", Yukiko muttered

"umm... most of us", Adachi asked

"but the circumstances are different for her, as compared to us", Naoto explained, "remember what Nanako-Chan said when we were at the hot springs, I always do what my dad tells me, like not opening the door for strangers",

"so is the killer... someone that Nana-Chan knows", Teddie asked

"Yu, do you have any insight into this possibility", Naoto asked

"I don't know", Yu said

"I don't think we can limit ourselves to people Nanako-Chan knows", Chie stated

"I agree... then let us change our perspective slightly, we know for certain that the culprit must be using a large screen T.V.", Naoto stated

"T.V. what", Adachi asked, more confused than ever

"each victim was taken at a different scene, yet was thrown into a T.V. almost immediately after being kidnapped", Naoto explained, "I would go as far to say that it took place in front of their houses, therefore, the culprit must be taking a T.V. with him as he goes",

"so it's someone Nanako-Chan knows, who has a car... but it's a car that can't be seen", Rise asked

"a delivery truck", Yu said

"that's right... now I remember... a delivery came, it was a delivery truck", Kanji stated

"no one looks twice at a delivery truck, no matter where it's parked", Rise added

"and if it were a local company, it'd be the same deliveryman every time so he's not a stranger to Nanako-Chan", Naoto explained, "she must have received packages from him during the times she was home alone, meaning we wouldn't know his face",

"sis had a look at him, if she had a picture, she'd be able to recognize him", Sakiya stated

"Adachi-san, is there anyone who fits this profile", Naoto asked

"wait, you guys might be right about something, a deliveryman was suspected with the murder of that announcer... I better go tell Dojima-san", Adachi stated, running out of the room, as Naoto looked at the clipboard

"after resigning from his last job, he took up the family delivery business... before that, he was... council secretary, Taro Namatame", Naoto read out

"the enka singer's husband", Yosuke said in shock

"all we know about him is his occupation, but I'd say that's enough of a lead to tell us where to go next", Naoto stated, "the address is... it's not far from here",

"let's go to Namatame's place, Dojima-San's probably on his way now", Yosuke stated as everyone nodded their heads, leaving the police station, the group began making their way over to Namatame's place, only to be distracted by smoke, running towards the smoke, the group saw a car wreck, Dojima was on the ground, the delivery truck there, Naoto was quick to call an ambulance, but Namatame had escaped before anyone could arrive, searching the truck, the group found a giant T.V. and Namatame's diary, which held the victims names and address's with the exception of Mr. Morooka's, and he talked about saving the victims

"Namatame's the killer", Yosuke shouted

"we need to go save Nanako-Chan, here, let's use this T.V. and...", Chie began

"wait a sec, we don't know where we'll enter through this one, what if we end up somewhere dangerous", Teddie asked, "it doesn't seem like it's going to be foggy tomorrow, so we should go in tomorrow, the same way as usual",

"but", Kanji began

"if we fail, who's going to save Nanako-Chan" Rise asked

"saving her will be our top priority from tomorrow forward, we'll leave Namatame's whereabouts to the police", Naoto stated as everyone nodded their heads, not long after, an ambulance came and took Dojima to the hospital

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