Nanako's Back and Teddie's Missing?!

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"so what's this thing we're missing, huh", Yosuke asked, the group stopping in the hallway to talk

"to tell the truth, there's something that's bothering me too... why did he start killing people in the first place", Yukiko asked

"well, he said himself, it was to save them, right", Chie responded, "so he killed his lover to save her, and kept going",

"the police speculated the first murder was related to the affair, so they called in Namatame for questioning", Naoto explained, "but everything in his testimony and his bearing... no matter what they looked at, they found nothing suspicious, if he truly is twisted enough to believe that murder is a means of saving people, I think that would have shown through",

"maybe he faked it real well", Yosuke said, "or maybe he started out with a normal motive, and got a taste for killing after the first time",

"no... if that were the case, his motive for killing the announcer would be even more inexplicable", Naoto stated, "Namatame and his wife were separated at the time, both Misuzu Hiiragi and himself testified that she had discarded him, Hiiragi also knew about Yamano beforehand, and Namatame was shocked to hear of Yamano's death... their relationship was known, and was not strained to the point of murder... there's simply no motive in the affair angle, the police invested a great deal of effort into investigating this point, therefore, we have no convincing motive for Namatame to kill Mayumi Yamano... although her name was written down in Namatame's own diary",

"his reason for killing her...", Yosuke asked

"it's still possible that he was crazy to begin with and no one realized, right", Rise asked

"no, signs of insanity would've shown, even if you tried to hide it well", Amaya stated

"for Namatame, there's no way to hide it", Sakiya added

"uhh... I don't really get any of this...", Kanji said

"this is so confusing", Chie shouted, and Adachi walked up to the group

"hey, we could hear you in there... this is a hospital, maybe you should quiet down a little", Adachi asked

"oh, there you are, all of you", a nurse said, walking up to the group, "please come with me immediately",

"huh, wh-what's going on", Chie asked

"only one way to find out", both Amaya and Sakiya stated in unison as the group ran after the nurse, and into Nanako's hospital room, the heart monitor was beeping once again, shocking the whole group

"oh, there they are, Nanako-Chan came around", the doctor said

"huh... wh-what did you just say", Rise asked in shock as the group gathered around Nanako's bed

"Nanako-Chan's... alive", Yukiko asked

"a-are you serious", Yosuke asked

"it's very rare to be resuscitated after one's heart and lungs fail, but it does happen", the doctor explained, "but until I know why she collapsed in the first place, I can't say for sure how well she'll recover from here on... still, Nanako-Chan's a fighter, and she's trying desperately to stay alive",

"s-so this isn't a joke... you're actually telling the truth", Yosuke asked, tears beginning to form in his eyes

"this is amazing", Kanji stated

"miracles do happen... I'm so glad", Naoto said as almost all the girls began crying

"you all should go home for the night, I'll speak with Dojima-san tomorrow about Nanako-Chan's treatment", the doctor explained, "it's rather chilly outside... if it starts snowing, be careful not to catch a cold",

"...wait a second, where's Teddie", Yosuke asked, "I noticed he didn't come with us when we went to Namatame's room",

"you're right... that's weird", Chie said, "I figured he wouldn't move from Nanako-Chan's side",

"Teddie... where did you go", Yukiko asked, with the late hours, the group left Nanako's hospital room, relieved knowing that she was still alive, as the group began making their way towards the exit, Yu stopped, staying behind and waiting outside of Nanako's hospital room, 

"hey, everything alright", Amaya asked, walking up towards Yu

"yeah... all we can do now is wait until she recovers", Yu stated, "she's fighting hard, but I believe in her",

"almost like how you believed that I would get over my fear of the other world", Amaya asked as Yu nodded his head

"something like that", Yu said

"hey, Yu, are you sure you'll be alright by yourself, being's both Nanako and Dojima are here", Amaya asked,

"yeah, don't worry about me", Yu said with a smile

"I can't help it", Amaya said

"hey, you guys are just down the street from me, if something bad does happen, you'll be the first to know", Yu reassured as Amaya nodded her head

"hey, guys, we're about to leave, hurry it up", Sakiya shouted from down the hall

"come on, let's go", Yu said as the two walked down the hallway and out of the hospital.

(Evening, Shopping District)

"we took a quick look around the hospital, but there's no sign of him, I wonder where he went", Chie asked, everyone's thoughts were interrupted by the snow falling, but the fog around Inaba pulled them out of their thoughts and not long after, everyone went their separate ways, the twins walking Yu back home before returning home as well.

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