The Festival

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(A Few Days Later, Evening, Shopping District)

as the days passed by, the fog had come and gone, Mitsuo had confessed his crime about killing, local authorities had called in a mental examination for him, but other than that, the case was closed, no one showed up on the Midnight Channel, and the summer festival rolled in, 

"funny, I remember this festival being a lot more crowded... is it because of the murders", Yosuke asked

"yeah, there ain't that many people here this year, well, I guess I can't blame people for being scared", Kanji explained, "haven't seen the reporters around either, they sure are good at stirring stuff up and then disappearing, but, it ain't so bad to have thin crowds, what is important is that we go get some ikayaki",

"oh, I wanna get some too, Kanji, what's ikayaki", Teddie asked as the guys walked over to the food stands, yet... the girls were late, not long after, the girls showed up, all in yukata's.

"sorry we took so long", Chie apologized

"it took us some time to get dressed", Yukiko added

"it's kinda hard to walk", Nanako stated

"you look cute in it", Yu complimented, making little Nanako giggle

"Nana-chan, you're so cute, I'm going head over heels for you", Teddie stated

"thank you", Nanako said with a smile, not long after, Dojima came by to get Nanako, then, Teddie decided that everyone should split up, soon after, Teddie said that he'd go with the girls so that that there'd be no one left out, but... turns out, it wasn't that fun, as the guys walked around, Yosuke and Kanji were talking about what Teddie had done, long story short... both were mad, as Yu trailed behind, not long after, Amaya approached

"hello", Amaya greeted

"hello", Yu greeted

"hey, I was... wondering if... you wanna hang out... with me... at the festival", Amaya asked, shyness in her tone

"aren't you supposed to be with the other girls", Yu asked

"sis and I kinda snuck away, she met a guy and they're hanging out, and here I am", Amaya explained

"alright, let's go", Yu stated

"alright... wanna go over to the game stalls", Amaya asked

"alright... so, how come you and Sakiya snuck away", Yu asked as the two began walking away, towards the game stalls

"well, Teddie was making a mess, and Rise was arguing with Teddie, it wasn't that fun, so we just quietly snuck away", Amaya explained

"and the guy you're sister's with", Yu asked once again

"...I don't know, sis will probably tell me later tonight though", Amaya stated as Yu nodded his head

"hey... can I say something", Amaya asked as Yu looked at her

"remember when I told you about how I was planning on quitting the team, and never did", Amaya stated, making Yu nod his head, "well... now that we're no longer a team... I kinda miss it, and I don't know why",

"if I had to guess, It was probably because we all got to hang out a lot", Yu explained, "and when you told everyone about your true self, you felt more comfortable, even though the other world scared you",

"although the case is closed, I feel like we're missing something... It's probably nothing though, probably just me trying to bring the team back subconsciously", Amaya stated

"we're still checking the Midnight Channel, as long as no one's on there, we stay disbanded", Yu said

"awh, someone also wants to bring the team back", Amaya teased with a smile, making Yu chuckle

"being honest... I want the team to stay', Yu explained, "yet, just like how you want it, I also want the other world to go away, to where nobody would get thrown into the T.V.'s,",

"I understand what you mean, but... do you think we can get rid of it", Amaya asked

"I'm not sure... but, enough about the team for now, let's go and have fun here while we can", Yu stated as Amaya nodded her head with a smile, continuing through the area, both stopped to play games, look at different things, and also to go get food, and overall, both had a fun evening that they subconsciously called, a first date.

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