Kanji Tatsumi

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(The Next Day, After School, Yasogami High)

"the one who was on last night... it's that guy, right", Chie asked

"Kanji Tatsumi, huh, he definitely didn't look like the social type", Yosuke stated

"now there's an understatement, isn't he really scary, did you see the news the other day", Chie asked once again

"he wasn't like that when he was younger though", Yukiko muttered, making the group shocked

"you know him, Yukiko", Chie asked

"uh-huh, but we haven't talked to each other in a long time", Yukiko stated, "his family runs a textile shop, and we've been a customer of theirs for many years, so I speak with Kanji-kun's mother from time to time... oh, why don't we go there now, we might be able to talk to him in person",

"sounds good, at the very least, we can ask if anything strange has come up lately", Chie said, "I wouldn't want to run into him in a dark alley, but I'm pretty sure he won't fly off the handle at his family's store",

"true, but we technically run into him here", Amaya stated, making the others shocked once again

"wait... he goes here", Yosuke asked

"yeah, sis and I have seen him from time to time, we never talk, but at times, most of us usually pass by him", Sakiya explained

"as of other student's, he tends to leave school the second the bell rings, he never stays around", Amaya added

"alright, then let's get going", Yosuke stated

"if things get rough, we're counting on you guys", Chie said, leaving the guys shocked as the group left school

(After School, Textile Shop)

"hello", Yukiko greeted as a woman turned to see the group

"ah, Yuki-Chan, it's so nice to see you", the woman said, "how can I help you today, are you out shopping with your friends",

"oh, um, well... actually...", Yukiko stuttered as she and the others began to talk, Chie and Yosuke walking around, until both noticed a scarf, it was similar to Ms. Yamano's

"um... did Ms. Yamano happen to have a scarf like this", Yosuke asked

"yes, it was a special order she placed", the woman said, making the group shocked, "she actually ordered a pair, but in the end, she said she only wanted the women's scarf, it left us no choice but to sell this one separately",

"oh man... there is a connection to the first case... what are we gonna do", Chie muttered

"h-how should I know", Yosuke asked in a quiet voice, a doorbell rang out, the woman had to leave the room as the group left the shop,

"it really is connected to the first case after all", Yosuke said, "but it's just a scarf, would the killer target someone just because of that, what's going on

"it could possibly be that when the order was placed, the other scarf was meant for someone else", Amaya explained, "someone who Ms. Yamano knew, but something happened and she only took the one scarf, leaving the other behind, for now, it's all I can come up with",

"huh... it's Kanji-kun" Yukiko said, everyone turned their heads to see him, talking with another guy, the group quietly eavesdropped on his conversation, only to be caught as the conversation was over, and the group fled down the street

"the one on T.V. last night was definitely Kanji-kun", Yukiko stated

"yeah... and I just realized something", Yosuke said, "remember the common points we were talking about, his mom fits the pattern, just as Amaya had said before, his mom knew Ms. Yamano, yet, her son appeared on the T.V., what does this mean",

"his mother's the target", Yu asked, confused

"if we're still assuming the victims are all female, that fits, but that doesn't explain why Kanji appeared", Yosuke asked

"a mother would worry about her children", Amaya stated

"so if the killer got ahold of them", Sakiya added

"a mother would do anything to get them back", both Amaya and Sakiya stated in unison

"true, but that motive doesn't make sense at all, it has nothing to do with silencing witnesses or revenge or anything", Chie stated

"y'think we're on the wrong track... maybe the first case had nothing to do with grudges or revenge", Yosuke said, "or is there some kinda secret in the textile shop itself... argh, I'm totally lost",

"but we can't ignore this", Yukiko said

"why don't we just go ahead and ask Kanji himself", Chie asked, "we could at least see if anything odd's happened lately, he scares the wits out of me",

"hey, wasn't Kanji making plans with that guy a moment ago", Yosuke asked, "to be safe, we should staking out Kanji and his family's store, we definitely don't want the killer getting ahead of us",

"okay then, the stakeout is set for tomorrow", Chie stated in excitement as everyone then went home to prepare for tomorrow.

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