The New Year Celebration

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(The Next Day, Junes)

"so the case is closed for reals this time...", Yosuke stated

"I think we can safely leave the rest to the police", Naoto explained, "Adachi has confessed his crimes, so I'm sure Namatame's presumed guilt will be reexamined as well",

"I see, then that really wraps it up", Chie said

"what will you do now, Teddie, you're not going back over there, are you", Rise asked

"you better not, you dumb bear, you don't know how much you worried us last time", Kanji said

'I-I won't suddenly disappear like that again", Teddie stuttered

"man, just stay here, alright", Yosuke asked as Teddie nodded his head

"I have some news, Dojima and Nanako are coming home today", Yu stated, making everyone happy that Nanako was better

"Nanako-Chan's coming home, I-I'm so happy for her", Yukiko said

"me too... I'm really glad", Teddie explained, "the fog's all gone over here because everyone tried so hard... and now Nana-Chan's gotten better",

"well, one thing's certain... it's party time", Chie cheered, "let's throw a big party for Nanako-Chan",

"we'll need a cake then", Yukiko said, as Chie and Yukiko dragged the girls over to the grocery department and began shopping

(Evening, Dojima Residence)

the boys were all in the living room with Nanako, talking and chatting, as the girls were in the kitchen area, making a cake...

"sorry for the wait", Chie apologized, the girls bringing the cake out

"oh no... mystery food x is about to be served", Yosuke muttered

"bring it on, I'm ready", Kanji said as the girls brought out a giant cake

"it's a cake", Nanako said in excitement

"this is bigger than I imagined", Dojima said

"we may have gone a bit overboard", Amaya began

"but it's still good either way", Sakiya finished as Nanako took a bite

"it's delicious, it taste's really good", Nanako complimented, making the guys take a bite, and to their surprise, it was edible

"did you guys really make this", Yosuke asked

"huh, o-of course we did", Chie said, with cake in her mouth

"does it actually taste like something", Yukiko asked

"I-It's amazing", Kanji complimented

"our third attempt, and it's good", Naoto muttered

"I have to thank you all again", Dojima explained, "Adachi confessed to the two murders, he insists it was him who hung the bodies, too, there are still things that are unclear about his story, but he's most likely gonna pay for his crimes, anyway, this was one strange case... if what you say about a world inside the T.V. was true, then everything might make sense... though I still don't believe it, some things in this world just can't be explained, like Nanako... she made a miraculous recovery, and now she's as healthy as ever, back in the say... my own senpai on the force told me something, "there's an underside to everything that you can never see", this case has made me think about a lot of things, you've helped us out so much... heh, it was meant to be the other way around, really... there isn't much time left until spring, but I hope I can do some catching up until then",

"that's right... you're only here until spring, huh", Chie asked

"senpai, you're going back", Rise asked as well

"unfortunately", Yu said

"it won't be the same without you", Naoto stated

"sensei... are you going somewhere", Teddie asked

"I don't want to go back", Yu said

"don't forget, there are people waiting for you", Dojima reminded, "when you get home, show your parents how much you've grown this past year, and then, if they're ok with it... you can come back here at any time",

"we still have time, let's have all the fun we can until then", Yosuke stated as everyone agreed, the group continued chatting and eating cake for the rest of the night

(A Few Day's Later, Evening)

as the school term ended for winter break, the group decided to check the Midnight Channel, however, nothing came on, the T.V. was blank, almost as if it never existed, which to the group, made them happy and relieved, as New Years rolled in, everyone gathered around at the shrine, just in time for the new year.

"this is my first time being with friends on midnight of New Year's Day", Rise announced in excitement

"I'd always just spent it with everyone at the inn until last year", Yukiko said

"we just hang out with our parents", both Amaya and Sakiya said in unison

"I'm glad we were all able o celebrate today here peacefully", Chie stated

"yeah, alright, let's get going", Yosuke announced as everyone walked towards the shrine

"hey, how long until next year", Teddie asked, making everyone look at the nearest clock

"it's almost time", Naoto said

"ok, five", Chie said

"four", Yukiko and Rise counted down

"three", Yosuke counted down

"two", Naoto and Teddie counted down

"one, happy new year", the group shouted in unison

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