Rise's Night Club

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(After School, T.V. World)

"hey, Teddie, you ok", Chie asked

"I wasn't crying", Teddie said, "everyone was having fun out there, you forgot about me... I was abandoned",

"we would never do that", Chie said

"I'm sorry... were you lonely", Yukiko asked

"I was bored, it made me all listless", Teddie stated, "I'm a useless bear, I don't even know what I am, I couldn't even figure it out... no one would come visit me... then I thought I heard voices from your world, they were all having so much fun... I was so lonely that I tried to cry, but I couldn't",

"well, you are hollow inside", Yosuke stated

"shut up, stop saying I'm hollow", Teddie yelled

"don't snap at me, this is your world, isn't it", Yosuke yelled back, "you're the one who said you just want to live here peacefully, and made us promise to find the culprit",

"come on, I'm sure Teddie's just tired from thinking so much, right", Chie asked

"when I'm alone, I think too much, it makes me even lonelier", Teddie explained, "I was so sad that my chest would burst and cotton would fly out",

"anyways, we wanted to ask you something, how's it been over here", Yosuke asked, "did a girl called Rise Kujikawa show up, can you sense anything",

"Rise Kujikawa, hmm", Teddie muttered

"you can't tell... your nose is kinda losing it's edge lately, huh", Yosuke said

"I'm a pretty shabby bear... soon, I won't be useful at all, then I'll get thrown away", Teddie stated

"that's not true", Amaya said

"sis is right, if one thing doesn't work, then there has to be something else, right", Sakiya said

"no sure, but I can kinda sense someone in here, I think I'll be able to find her, just need some kind of hint", Teddie stated

"we'll find something, don't worry", Yu said as the group left

(Two Days Later, After School, T.V. World)

with the information gathered, the group returned to Teddie, and luckily enough, Teddie got Rise's location, and not long after, the group was following Teddie towards the direction, later ending up in a dark place, not long after, the lights lit up revealing what seemed to be of a night club.

"whoa... is this a", Chie began

"oh, like the kind you always find in resort towns", Yosuke asked

"ah, I think you're right", Yukiko said

"so, this is a night club, eh", Kanji said, looking around the area, not long after, the group entered the club, all they saw was pink floors, and pink curtains hung on the walls, no matter where they went, the color pink was everywhere, as the group ran up a few floors, Teddie was able to locate Rise on the floor, searching around, the group then found Rise's Shadow.

"it's Rise", Yosuke called out

"but something's not right", Chie said

"it's her shadow", both Amaya and Sakiya stated in unison

"hello all you fans out there, thanks for coming today", Shadow Rise greeted as cheering could be heard

"the roar of the crowd is insane this time... it's making me feel sick", Chie said

"if people really are watching this... we gotta do something, and fast", Yosuke stated as Shadow Rise ran away

"the shadows are getting aggravated ", Teddie stated

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