The Final Dungeon

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(The Next Day, T.V. World)

as the sun rose on another day, Inaba's impending doom was drawing closer, probably overexaggerating for most of the group, but as school ended, everyone met up at Junes and went inside the T.V. world, jumping into the portal which would lead them straight to Adachi.

"ahaha, I told you to come after me, and you actually came", Adachi stated, his voice trailing off from somewhere, "don't you guys have anything better to do, what a bunch of losers... "let's find the culprit ourselves", "let's meet up at the special headquarters today", am I right or am I right, man, it's embarrassing, how old are you guys",

"we're teens in the 80's, what did you expect", Yosuke muttered

"come on, let's go", Yu said as everyone nodded their heads and ran forward and inside to find Adachi, fighting the shadows around, yet, as everyone noticed their surroundings, it was... well, seemed like Inaba, but more dark, evil, and kinda creepy in most of their eyes, and much to the groups dismay, there were some floors that didn't have a way up, nor a way down, however, the group was able to find their way by descending down to lower floors, finding their way up, and proceed to the next floor, and there... stood Adachi, who was applauding everyone

"wow, I'm surprised you made it this far", Adachi said

"allow me to confirm the crimes you've committed thus far, you had suspicions that this world was dangerous, yet you threw Mayumi Yamano into the T.V.", Naoto explained, "knowing full well that Ms. Yamano died here, you did the same to Saki Konishi, not only that, but you duped Namatame into taking over your murder attempts, while you watched like a spectator at a game, when the disappeared stopped dying, you sent a warning letter to ensure more victims, even when a copycat killer arose, you had the gall as a detective to eliminate a suspect under investigation, two people died in the last six months, and a young girl is now in critical condition... but that's not all... if at any turn something had gone wrong, many more would have succumbed... all for some foolish excitement like a criminal revealing in the chaos he creates",

"yeah, so what's your point, all I did was put people in here, it's the world that really kills them, isn't it", Adachi asked, "this world reflects people's thoughts... which... oh dear... does that mean the real culprits are everyone on the outside, including you",

"you did that stuff knowing full well those people were gonna die, if that's not a crime, then what is it", Yosuke asked, anger in his tone

"you're so self-righteous", Adachi said, while laughing

"how can you say that... aren't you a police officer, out of everything you could have been, didn't you specifically choose to join the police", Chie asked

"don't make me laugh, just because someone joins the police doesn't make them some kinda agent of justice", Adachi stated, "you know why I applied, so I could legally carry a gun... that's all, you'd be surprised how many are like that, I thought it would be fun, too, but to tell the truth, that was a wash, everyone around me was such an idiot... I made one tiny mistake, and they all got on my case and sent me out here to nowheresville as punishment, I was bored and wondering what to do next... when I discovered this power, a gift for having put up with this lame job out in nowheresville, I guess, it soon got interesting, so I watched",

"that's your reason, you can't be serious, you really don't care what happens to our world", Yukiko shouted

"that's messed up on so many levels", both Amaya and Sakiya shouted in unison

"let's be honest, there's nothing great about the real world, is there, it's just dull and annoying", Adachi explained, "no one accepts that's the way things are... they're just stuck with it because they can't deny it, either, those who actually succeed in life... they just happen to be born with the magic ticket called talent, if you don't have it, you can either accept or deny that fact until you die, that's your only choice, once you realize that, all you have left in life is despair, the ultimate game over, wouldn't it be better if that kind of reality was wiped away",

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