The Hunt for Adachi

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(The Next Day, After School, T.V. World)

"I'll give it a try, but...", Teddie said, "If Rise-Chan couldn't find him, I really doubt someone with a dried-up nose like me will be much help",

"just give it your best Teddie", both Amaya and Sakiya said in unison as Teddie began sniffing around

"I do smell Adachi in here, but the fog is completely covering up his scent", Teddie stated

"Teddie... you can't do it either", Rise asked

"ooh, I'm getting something", Teddie said, walking around the area

"hey, quit wandering around, you better not flake out on us again", Yosuke said

"I sense it from... this way", Teddie said, pointing towards the direction

"is it Adachi", Kanji asked'

"umm... how do I put it... it's kinda hazy, but at the same time, it feels like I got a whopper on the line", Teddie stated

"I don't get it", Rise said, bluntly

"ok, guys, enough fuzziness, follow me, the master of fuzzy logic", Teddie said, making Yukiko laugh, and the group to move forward, to an unfamiliar, yet, familiar room

"I noticed her first... and she just had to run off and have an affair...", a familiar voice said, later someone turned around, there... was Adachi, "who's there... oh... it's you guys, you're very persistent...",

"give it up", Yu stated

"I don't know what you're talking about", Adachi said, smugly

"you're not lying your way out of this one, just being here proves it", Yosuke stated, "answer us, you're the one who threw Ms. Yamano into the T.V., aren't you",

"it was an accident, she started struggling... what else was I supposed to do", Adachi explained, making the group shocked, "I called her out to the lobby because I wanted to ask her something, and then she started getting hysterical on me, she began struggling and fell in, good thing for me no one else was around there in the middle of the night",

"that... happened in our lobby...", Yukiko muttered

"I learned about the Midnight Channel through some rumor, you hear a lot of fishy stories like that on the force", Adachi stated, "but it was pure coincidence that I touched the screen and discovered my power, I burst out laughing when I found out, I knew right away that this was going to be interesting",

"so you tested it out on Mayumi Yamano", Yosuke said in anger

"nah, it was nothing like that, I'm a very sincere fellow, I was just trying to punish her for betraying me", Adachi explained, "yeah, putting them inside the T.V. was never the plan... but you know, both Mayumi, and that high school girl struggled for no reason",

"then you were responsible for Saki-Senpai's death", Yosuke shouted

"Saki... oh yeah... her name was Saki Konishi... or something like that", Adachi stated, "at first, I just called her in, work-related stuff, she found Mayumi's body after all, and if she did see something, I'd need to know, right, so I was nice... then... you all know the rest, I didn't know it was dangerous inside the T.V., it's not like I was trying to kill them",

"shut up, you knew from what happened to Mayumi Yamano that people die here", Yosuke yelled as Adachi sighed

"so what if I knew", Adachi asked

"did you trick Namatame", Yu asked

"nah... he called the police in the middle of the night, just after they found that Saki-girl's body", Adachi explained, "the rest of the force had their hands full with the double homicide, it happened that I was the one who took the call",

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