A New Teammate

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(A Couple Days Later, After School, Yasogami High)

the fog had come and gone, with Kanji safe, the Midnight Channel showed no one, as Monday rolled in, everyone went to school, including Kanji, once school had ended, everyone met up the rooftop, not long after, Kanji appeared

"h-hi there", Kanji greeted

"where'd the manners come from", Chie teased

"well, um... I didn't know you guys were my senpai", Kanji stated as the group laughed, "uhh... thanks a bunch, though I don't really remember what happened",

"there are some things we'd like you to tell us about", Yukiko asked

"first off, who was that boy you met with", Chie asked

"I-I really don't know much about him, I mean, I've only met him twice", Kanji stated

"yeah, but you walked home from school with him, what did you guys talk about", Chie asked once again

"uh, well... he just asked stuff like... if anything different happened lately...", Kanji explained "I dunno where my head was at... when I came to my senses, I blurted out that I wanted to see him again... I, uh... I don't really get it myself, girls are so loud and obnoxious, so, y'know... I really don't like dealing with 'em, guys are a lot more laid-back, so I started thinking... what if I'm the type who never gets interested in girls, and I couldn't accept that, so I kept it in my head",

"well, I can understand the part about feeling more relaxed around dudes", Yosuke said

"how're you feeling", Yu asked

"I'm fine now, I mean, it was all in my head, when y'get down to it, I was the one shutting out that stuff", Kanji stated, "man, I must look really lame right now",

"trust us, we're a group who doesn't really judge anyone", both Amaya and Sakiya said in unison

"I've never talked about any of this stuff before, guess I never had anyone to tell it to", Kanji explained, "I guess I wasn't really afraid of girls, I was just scared of people in general, but all that's behind me",

"wow, I'm surprised... you're a good kid", Chie said

"d-don't call me a good kid", Kanji asked

"no need to get embarrassed, you're a big guy, you can take it", Yosuke stated, "hey, is there anything you remember after you ran into us the second time, you know, after you chased us away and said you were gonna take us down",

"huh, uhh... I went home... I was gonna sleep it off in my room... wait, I think someone came", Kanji muttered

"to your house, who was it", Yosuke asked

"uh, well, it was just a feeling I had... I dunno if anyone actually came, other than that... I remember some weird, dark entrance thing", Kanji explained, "when I woke up, I was laid out on the floor of that sauna place",

"a dark entrance", Yukiko muttered, "could it have been a T.V.",

"huh... now that you mention it, maybe so", Kanji said, "why do you ask",

"oh, no reason, I was just wondering", Yukiko said

"did the police ask you anything", Yosuke asked

"well, my mom had called the cops to look for me, so they questioned me for awhile", Kanji stated, "I told them exactly what I just told you and they looked at me like I was crazy... are you guys playing detective or somethin'",

"something like that", Chie said

"anything I can do to help", Kanji asked, "if there's someone out there who put me through this, I ain't gonna rest until I make 'em pay",

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