Summer's End

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(Daytime, Beach)

as the festival came to a close, Summer Vacation was almost over, and everyone decided that it was time to go to the beach, with almost everyone's licenses in and motorcycles gassed up and ready, everyone drove down the road, Kanji, however... rode his bicycle as Teddie ran, as the group arrived neared the ocean, Kanji and Teddie passed everyone, causing the others to speed up, not long after, everyone arrived at the beach, where then everyone began to have fun, not long after, the guys got out of the water to grab a drink leaving the girls in the water

"it's been forever since we've been swimming, hasn't it", Amaya asked

"yeah, it has", Sakiya responded

"hey, why don't we take a break", Yukiko asked

"I agree, I need to put on more sunscreen", Rise stated

"gotta take a break to slake with steak", Chie said

"we'll get some drinks, any requests", both Amaya and Sakiya asked in unison

"water for me", Yukiko said

"soda please", Chie said

"water for me too", Rise said as the twins nodded their heads, as the girls got out of the water, they immediately spotted the boys

"hey, Senpai", Rise called, as the girls met up with the boys, they saw Kanji, with seaweed on him

"what am I supposed to say to this", Chie asked, both confused and not wanting to know why

"well... uh, reenacting the Birth of Venus", Yosuke said, a bit uneasy

"y-yeah, I-I'm ready to be born", Kanji stuttered with unease

"I'm out", Amaya said, bluntly, walking away from the group, saying nothing else

"me too", Sakiya added

"wait for us", Chie called out, the girls running away from the guys to catch up with the twins, there, they decided to forget about their plans, and just stay in the water for awhile longer, as the sun began to set, the group was out of the water, what had happened earlier, seemed forgotten, as the girls, plus Teddie were busy making sandcastles, Yu, Yosuke, and Kanji all chatted about the day, after awhile, the guys joined back up with the others

"okay, why don't we play a game, whoever loses has to buy barbecue on a stick for everyone else", Chie said

"but that's a prize only you would want to play for, Chie-senpai", Rise stated

"then the loser gets to smooch Teddie", Teddie offered

"sorry Teddie, but that's not gonna happen", Amaya said which made everyone, including Teddie, laugh

"man this motorcycle trip was the best", Yosuke said

"yeah, it was", Yu said, the others agreeing with him

"hey, I got an idea, why don't we go skiing during winter break", Yosuke asked, "wait till you guys see how awesome I am on a snowboard",

"talkin' about winter already, gettin' a little ahead of ourselves aren't we", Kanji asked

"I'll look forward to it", Yu said

"it sounds fun", Chie said

"never been skiing before, but I've always wanted to try it out", Rise stated

"yeah, there's lots of mountains around here, so there's gotta be a ski slope somewhere not too far away", Yosuke explained

"oh, yeah, tons of 'em, none of 'em are that close by, but it won't be too tough by scooter", Kanji stated, "but we gotta stay safe, if the roads look dangerous, we might have to change our plans",

"man... I wouldn't have thought you'd be the one stressing safety", Yosuke said

"what's the point in tryin' to act cool when it comes to that stuff, danger's danger, man", Kanji stated

"he's got a point", both Amaya and Sakiya said in unison

"alright... now that we have a plan in mind for winter break, let's start heading back before it gets dark", Yosuke explained, "we're all beginners at driving after all",

with everyone in agreement, they all packed up and began traveling back, observing the view as they all drove home, a few days had soon passed, not long after, it was the last day of summer vacation, so everyone decided to hang out once again, at a fireworks festival.

(Evening, ???)

"ooh, the crowds pretty thin here", Yosuke said, after awhile of walking around to find a spot to watch the fireworks, 

"the riverbanks were packed, I'm surprised you found a quiet place like this", Kanji said

"oh no, I knew about it, I pass by the mountainside a lot, customers ask me about it, too", Yukiko explained, "I wonder if Nanako-chan will make it, I called and told her where we'd be before I left"

"hey, where's Teddie", Rise asked

"not only was he hitting on girls nonstop, he accidentally put the moves on Hanako and she dragged him away", Yosuke explained, "he ducked into his bear skin right away and acted like a bear, but he still got dragged off without a word",

"poor Teddie", Sakiya began

"I give him the good luck soldier salute", Amaya finished

"can we just leave him like that", Chie asked in shock

"sure we can, his karma caught up to him", Yosuke said

"aren't you being a little cold to Teddie today, Yosuke-senpai", Rise asked

"when I think back to what he did this morning, no, I really don't", Yosuke stated, "truth be told, I wish I could send two or three more Hanako's at him",

"dude, that would kill him, what happened, anyway", Kanji asked

"I don't even want to remember it... he dug up some private stuff from my room and brought it to the Hanamura family breakfast", Yosuke explained, "he was all like, "Yosuke, what's this magazine about", can you imagine the humiliation I went through because of him",

"it's your fault for having that stuff", Chie retorted

"it's not like I ever thought anyone would wave it around in front of my parents", Yosuke argued

"what a tragedy... my lovely fur is completely ruined", Teddie stated, walking towards the group, in his bear form, but he was flattened, just like the aftermath of Rise's Palace

"that's... okay, that's worse than I was expecting, anyway, people are going to stare at you like that, hurry and take it off", Yosuke said

"but I'm like a newborn child inside", Teddie stated

"there they are, big bro", Nanako called out, Teddie ran off as Nanako and Dojima walked up to the group

"hey, Nanako-chan, looks like Dojima-san made it in time", Chie called out

"yeah, dad came home early", Nanako said with a smile

"we've been waiting for you", Yu said with a smile

"I made it", Nanako replied

"sorry if I made you nervous, I didn't quite finish my paperwork, but I figured Adachi could handle the rest", Dojima explained, as Teddie walked back to the group, in his human form, not long after, the firework show began, where everyone enjoyed themselves, as the fireworks ended, Nanako and Dojima had left, as the group began talking, a small argument broke out, but was covered up by another, the boy detective, Naoto Shirogane, and where he was at now.

The Twin Persona'sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें