A Not So Friendly Argument

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(A Couple Days Later, Lunchtime, Yasogami High)

as the week flew by, the class had a vote for what they'd do for the culture festival, the first three were "Break Room", "Video Room", and "Study Room", then followed by Yosuke's suggestion, "Group Date Café", Yosuke's idea was just to be a joke, however, it came in first place, though no one knew what it was, it was up to the students to get it ready, especially with the Yasogami beauty pageant in which all the girls in the group had signed up, and apparently, all the boys at school were interested in going due to them, not long after, the twins called an urgent meeting at the roof

"you better have a good explanation about what you did before we send Chie out after you", Amaya yelled

"I don't know what you're talking about", Yosuke said

"the pageant, Yosuke", Sakiya stated in anger

"someone, mainly you, put all our names in, once you're in, there's no backing out", Amaya finished, anger in her voice

"I didn't put your names in", Yosuke stated

"then why are we hearing that you did", Amaya asked

"it had to be someone else", Yosuke stated

"no, we know it's you", Sakiya said, her anger still there

"sis, forget about it", Amaya said

"no, we're so close, you can't give up now", Sakiya argued

"the only thing we have on him is rumors, it unfortunately isn't enough to accuse him", Amaya grumbled

"why do you always back down from everything when we're close to the truth", Sakiya shouted

"I don't back down", Amaya argued

"you know, you're right, you hold me down", Sakiya shouted, the groups eyes widened in shock at what was going down

"oh really, I'm the one holding you down", Amaya asked in anger

"girls", Yosuke called out

"STAY OUT OF THIS", both Amaya and Sakiya shouted, making Yosuke flinch and back away towards the group

"you think I'm holding you down, who defends you when you go see your boyfriend... me, and you know what, I'm done defending you", Amaya stated in anger

"and I'm done being your sister", Sakiya added

"fine, we're over", Amaya shouted

"fine", Sakiya said, the two storming off, leaving the group on the roof, shocked about what just went down

"this is not gonna be good", Chie stated

"is this... normal for them", Naoto asked

"no, they usually get into small fights, but this... this is bad", Yukiko explained, as lunchtime was almost over, the group returned to class, neither Amaya, nor Sakiya would glance at each other.

(The Next Day, Daytime, Yasogami High)

"you're here earlier than normal, everything alright", Yu asked as he and the group walked into the classroom

"yeah, just Sakiya being a pain, but all's about to change", Amaya stated, the group giving her a curious look

"Amaya... you are so dead", Sakiya shouted, entering the classroom, her hair had changed, streaks of blue and purple in her pink hair, and all Amaya did, was laugh

"love the new look you're sporting", Amaya stated with a sly smile

"you are so in for it", Sakiya growled, not long after, Kanji pulled the two away from each other

"alright, enough of this, everyone, including you two, rooftop after lunch", Kanji stated in anger

"fine by me, as long as she stays ten feet away from me", Sakiya stated

"Yu, Chie, Yukiko, Yosuke, make sure they don't kill each other", Kanji asked 

"I would love to see cotton candy head here do something bad", Amaya laughed as Sakiya glared at her, the two sat down, facing away from each other

"from the beauty pageant mystery to this, Yosuke, what did you do", Chie asked in anger

"like I said, I didn't do anything", Yosuke said, obviously a lie

"uh-huh", Chie said as the group dispersed, ready for class, during class, the twins passed notes to each other, glaring in the process

(Lunchtime, Yasogami High)

the first half of lunch was a headache to say for the group, the twins were constantly arguing with each other, for the first half of the lunch break, as they were separated, it still didn't stop the two, the two were still together and still arguing

"knock it off, you two", Kanji yelled, annoyed by all the arguing

"tell that to cotton candy girl there", Amaya argued

"seriously... I really hate your guts", Sakiya stated in anger

"likewise", Amaya said in anger

"alright, Kanji's right, I'll admit, I put all your names in, now stop arguing", Yosuke shouted, both Amaya and Sakiya looked at Yosuke, then looked at each other

"now was that hard", both Amaya and Sakiya asked, a small smirk on their faces

"wait, what", Yosuke asked in shock as the twins looked at each other

"I'm sorry sis, for all the mean things I said", Amaya said

"I'm sorry too, yet, it was planned though", Sakiya stated, both twins laughing

"you two were faking", Rise asked in anger

"yep, but hey, we got the answers we needed, right", Amaya asked

"and the hair", Naoto asked

"blue chalk, though some turned purple due to my hair", Sakiya stated

"but with the truth out of the way", Amaya added

"Yukiko, Chie, he's all yours", both Amaya and Sakiya stated, which the two girls wasted no time beating Yosuke up, as lunch ended, the group returned to class, later after school, Yosuke ended up doing everything for their cultural fair set up, and even putting Yosuke's name in the cross-dressing beauty pageant, and unfortunately, the other girls in the group, mainly Rise's idea, put both Kanji and Yu's names in as well, and promised the guys that they'd help them with the pageant.

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