The Fog

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(A Few Days Later, Early Morning, Shopping District)

rumors and gossip had been spreading about the heavy fog in Inaba, of how it was considered poisonous, children collapsing, and most people were in mass hysteria, wearing gas masks and warning others about the fog, with it becoming harder to see, everyone began forming groups

"man, this fog's not letting up, and it's so cold, too", Yosuke stated

"it's really hard to see anything in this, though, it's just like the other side", Rise added, Kanji got a random idea and put on his glasses, his face turning to shock

"g-guys, put on your glasses", Kanji ordered in shock, not arguing, everyone pulled out their glasses and put them on, and to their shock, the fog was gone, just like when they'd enter the other world

"whoa... it's all clear", Yukiko said

"the fog's gone... like back in the other world", both Amaya and Sakiya stated in unison

"what's going on", Yosuke asked

"these glasses are meant to help us see through the fog in the other world, but putting that aside, no glasses would improve one's visibility in a fog, under normal circumstances", Naoto explained

"then, umm... could the fog from over there be leaking into our world", Chie asked

"could be", Amaya said

"huh, y-you guys think that's it, I-I was kinda expecting you to ignore it as Chie being random again, I-It's just a thought... haha...", Chie stuttered

"let's just get through the day and meet up at Junes later today", Yosuke stated as everyone agreed

(After School, Junes)

"hey, here's a story about the fog", Chie said as she began to read out loud

"some specialist are raising concerns that the fog may consist of harmful substances, more and more citizens are calling for an investigation into the cause of the fog and the facts about it, though the government has begun it's preliminary investigation, many feel that the causes will be hard to pinpoint",

"is this fog really dangerous", Chie asked

"you hardly ever see people walkin' around town anymore... or here, either", Kanji stated

"everyone's too scared of the fog now to go outdoors much", Rise added

"it does seem a lot like the fog on the other side", Teddie added, "but beyond that, I'm clueless",

"there's another item of note here... a summary of Namatame's career, with details about the case", Naoto explained as she began to read out loud

"the suspect was having an affair with the first victim, it seems she was killed due to relationship troubles, also in April, Ms. Saki Konishi's body was discovered, the police are looking into a motive for the murder, in July, a boy living in Inaba performed a copycat murder, the boy was initially thought to be the culprit behind all the killings, but later suspicion was thrown upon Namatame, last month, the suspect attempted to kidnap a seven-year-old girl of Inaba, resulting in his arrest",

"it seems Namatame is still confined to his hospital bed, so further investigation has yet to commence", Naoto finished

"so it's finally over, a lot of stuff's happened", Yosuke muttered, "but all that's left is for the police to build a case for Namatame, right",

"will Namatame confess", Yu asked

"whether he confesses or not, it was him who did everything, getting him convicted is up to your uncle", Yosuke stated

"but... the stuff he was saying was so obviously nuts", Rise said, "if he says anything about the T.V. world, he might be considered mentally unstable",

"also, I heard before that if the police don't have enough hard evidence, it's difficult to build a case", Yukiko stated

"yes... there are many such cases and culprits, it's the eternal conundrum for crime investigators", Naoto explained

"so even if they're caught... the law can't do anything", Kanji asked

"it's a possibility", Naoto said

"we all know he did it, you can't just let a maniac who thinks he's saving people by killing them run wild on the streets", Kanji shouted

"they better not dismiss something this serious because of some mental issues", Yosuke muttered, "it's his fault Nanako-Chan's in the hospital too",

"can I still stay here", Teddie asked, throwing everyone off guard, "you kept your promise to me... so I should be going back... but I don't wanna go until Nana-Chan get's better",

"of course you can stay, how many times do we have to say this before it get's through to you", Yosuke asked

"Nanako-Chan would be sad if you weren't there when she wakes up", Chie stated

"besides, you made a promise to her, remember", both Amaya and Sakiya added in unison

"but... I couldn't save Nana-Chan", Teddie muttered

"don't be silly, we saved her together", Rise said

"we caught the killer, man, we couldn'ta done that without you", Kanji stated

"Teddie, you shouldn't talk that way when Nanako-Chan is still fighting", Yukiko added

"you guys...", Teddie muttered once again

"you can stay here", Yu reassured, making Teddie smile, the group began to chat about moving Nanako's welcome home party to Yu's house, and the girls were planning to bake, until Yu received a call, Nanako's condition suddenly got worse, causing the group to rush over to the hospital.

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