A New Navigator and a Human Teddie?!

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(A Few Days Later, Daytime, Junes)

the group rushed over to Junes after hearing that a body had been discovered, after rescuing Rise, the announcement was a huge shock to everyone, as everyone gathered around, only Yosuke was missing, he had gone to check the scene, later coming back to tell everyone what he gathered.

"yeah, it was murder alright, the body was hanging upside down on an apartment's rooftop railing", Yosuke explained

"but... how could that...", Yukiko began

"that's not all, the victim this time... it was King Moron", Yosuke stated once again, making everyone shocked

"King Moron", Chie asked in shock

"you mean that King Moron, you guys' homeroom teacher", Kanji asked

"we know a lot of students hated Mr. Morooka", Amaya began

"but he didn't appear on the Midnight Channel, no one was on", Sakiya finished

"actually, someone did, but it wasn't him, I'm not sure of who it was, but they're not in the T.V. world just yet", Yukiko explained

"I talked to someone who saw it, it's true... there's no mistake", Yosuke said

"ain't the killer targeting people who get shown on T.V.", Kanji asked

"the killer must've changed his motive, the same thing over and over again would get suspicious", both Amaya and Sakiya stated in unison, "and when the police catch on, it would be harder for the killer to reach the victim",

"maybe the Midnight Channel has nothing to do with this", Yukiko said

"we came so far, and now we're back to square one", Yosuke muttered in anger

"it's too early to give up", Yu stated

"he's right, if we give up now, that guys gonna be on the loose forever", Kanji said

"maybe Teddie knows something about this", Chie askee as the others nodded their heads, leaving the food court and heading towards the T.V.'s, the group didn't enter the T.V. world due to someone walking around, dressed up as a mascot, the name the staff got... Teddie, the group later found Teddie in the store.

"wh-what the... I mean, how'd you", Yosuke stuttered

"it took you guys long enough, I've been waiting", Teddie stated

"Teddie, are you okay on this side", Yukiko asked

"how'd you even leave on your side", Kanji asked

"of course I can come out, there's an exit", Teddie responded, "I just never tried it out",

"Teddie, there's something we need to ask you, how long have you been here, did anyone enter the other world", Yukiko asked

"I stayed until the fog settled in on my side, but no one came", Teddie said

"are you sure", Amaya asked

"paw-sitive", Teddie stated

"so... King Moron wasn't on that side", Chie muttered

"what's going on", Yosuke grumbled

"I'd like to go somewhere, Rise should be a great ally for us, so... I'd like to give her these", Teddie stated, holding out a pair of glasses, not long after, Teddie surprised everyone by taking off his head and revealing himself to be human, as everyone helped Teddie, the group left for Rise's house.

(Daytime, Shopping District)

"oh... hi", Rise greeted, after walking around the district for a bit to reach the Tofu shop, Rise had ran into them

"Rise-chan, are you okay now", Yukiko asked as Rise nodded her head

"are you all here to check up on me", Rise asked as well

"yep", Amaya said

"do you guys have a second, there's something I want to tell you", Rise said as the group followed her towards a shrine, "yeah, I remember being at my house... when I came to, though, I was in the other world",

"still no real information on the killer", Chie whined

"I-I really appreciate what you did for me, thank you so much, I love you guys", Rise stated in excitement

"awww, you don't have to thank us", Chie said as Yosuke fanboyed

"oh yeah, we have a present for you, the Teddie glasses, as of what Chie calls them", Sakiya stated

"I can help you guys out in that world, right", Rise asked, "would it be okay if I joined the team",

"welcome aboard", Yu said, handing the glasses to Rise, the glasses were pink, and Rise seemed to like them.

"alright, we currently have one mystery ahead of us, the mystery person on the Midnight Channel", Yosuke explained, "let's meet up at Junes tomorrow and figure out their identity",

"it's to rain tonight, so be sure to check the Midnight Channel", Amaya stated as the group nodded their heads and left to go home.

(Evening, Takahashi Residence)

Sakiya sat down in front of her T.V. midnight was approaching fast, and she was determined to figure out who the mystery person was on the T.V., when Amaya had figured it out that Rise had gone in, it was clear to Sakiya that she was scared when she saw that she was correct, she felt bad for her, almost everyone didn't want to see anyone on the T.V. anymore, as midnight rolled in, the Midnight Channel turned on, to her horror, the screen was clear, the killer had managed to put someone in the other world, in the background looked to be of an old mansion, fog all around the outside, not long after, someone appeared.

"hey there, welcome to this brand new show, what awaits in this Mansion of Horrors, who knows, but I can assure you that to everyone watching... their nightmares will be shown here, live, let's go inside and see what's in store",

the Midnight Channel turned off, Sakiya sat there, staring at the black screen, processing what she had just seen, the phone began ringing, but she had ignored it, blocking it out, in the end, she only muttered one word...


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