A Suspect Found?!

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(The Next Day, After School, Junes)

school was different for the group, beings Rise had officially started, she was what all the students had talked about, as for Yu, Yosuke, Yukiko, Chie, Amaya, and Sakiya, they all had a new homeroom teacher, Ms. Kashiwagi, and she was worse than Mr. Morooka, almost all the students in class wished that Mr. Morooka would come back in and give them a lecture like normal, and for Midnight Channel related gossip, it was about both Rise and Amaya, Rise and her little night club, and Amaya with her nightmare mansion, as classes ended for the day, the group quickly made their way to Junes, although at first, it was Chie complaining about finals next week, as the group was about to talk about Mr. Morooka's case, Amaya let out her true self, the group seeing her in a whole new light, yet, Amaya chose to stay on the team.

"with all that aside, what do you guys think about King Moron's case", Yosuke asked, "he didn't show up on the Midnight Channel even once",

"if this person had been inside the T.V., I would've sensed it", Teddie stated, "my nose isn't as sharp now, but I can tell that much",

"but they found the body on a foggy day again, right, they said on the news that the crime scene was just the way it was for that announcer and Saki-Senpai", Chie explained

"I really wonder about the culprit's motives... why was Mr. Morooka targeted", Yukiko asked

"hope it wasn't personal, cause there's way too many people who hated King Moron's guts", Kanji stated

"but didn't you say it's people who get famous on T.V. who are targeted", Rise explained, "if the killer's choosing targets by watching T.V., I picture him as someone who doesn't know the victims at all, I don't think it's worth trying to figure out motives for that type, there are too many people who hold grudges against you for no reason, even if you've never met them before",

"you sound like you speak from experience, but with King Moron, he didn't appear on the Midnight Channel, or the regular T.V.", Chie stated, "only Amaya appeared on the Midnight Channel, and not T.V., uurgh, I don't get this at all",

"man, two victims in a row from our school, that's gotta set off the police's alarm bells, they're not gonna leave any stones unturned", Kanji explained

"you know, to be honest... somewhere deep inside, I thought maybe King Moron was the killer", Yosuke said, "the news says that he was the second victim from Yasogami High, but we all know that's not the case, and I've heard him say more than once that so-and-so deserves to die, but now... I feel bad that I doubted him",

"the more we think about it, we feel like we have an answer", both Amaya and Sakiya said in unison, causing the group to look at them

"Mr. Morooka never appeared on the Midnight Channel, but I did", Amaya stated

"we know for a fact that Mr. Morooka wasn't in the other world", Sakiya added

"we think that he was killed here in our world", both Amaya and Sakiya finished in unison

"that could be the case, but we don't have anything to prove that", Yu explained, sending an apologetic look to the two girls

"it's just a theory, we're not saying that's the case", Amaya said

"if the killer has something to do with the school, why don't we split up and", Chie began

"that won't be necessary", a voice interrupted, looking over, a boy walked up, the group immediately recognized him as the guy Kanji was with some time back

"there is no need to examine the case of Mr. Morooka any further", the boy stated

"w-why's that", Chie asked

"apparently, the police have found a suspect, it would be best to let them handle the case from here", the boy stated

"h-how'd you know", Yosuke asked as well

"I'm on this case as a special investigator by request of the prefectural police", the boy said, the boy, Naoto Shirogane, had told them about the suspect, a high schooler from a different school, although he seemed suspicious, he spoke his peace then left, although confused with what went down, the group decided to call it a day and left towards home

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