The Next Mission

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(A Few Days Later, After School, Yasogami High)

as the holiday ended, midterms rolled in, and as of most of the six, it was the longest days, but to the others, it was a breeze, as the final day of midterms had come to an end, the six all met up around both Yu and Chie's desks.

"it's finally over", Yosuke said, "whewwww, what a load off, I bet every student feels like this after exams are over",

"hey, quiet down", Chie said before turning her back back towards the girls, "so, what did you write for number seven, the one about what "that" referred to in the sentence",

"um... I put "her sorrowful expression", Yukiko stated

"oh no, then I got it wrong, I put, "the rice cakes on top of the table", Chie mumbled

"rice cakes... wait, was that what the story was about", Yukiko asked

"alright, I'm giving up on composition, I'm gonna bet it all on geography", Chie said, "hey, what did you choose for the tallest mountain in the solar system",

"Olympus Mons", Yu said

"seriously... I chose the wrong one", Chie whined

"I put that down too", Yukiko said

"us three", both Amaya and Sakiya stated in unison

"whoa, then it's probably the right answer, boy, I can't wait for our grades to be posted out in the hall where everyone can see 'em", Yosuke stated with sarcasm, until the groups attention turned towards two students who were talking about a biker gang hanging out around the area.

"biker gang", Yukiko asked

"oh yeah... they raise a ruckus from time to time, I guess your place is too far away to hear 'em", Chie stated

"we live right by the road, the noise can drive you insane", Yosuke said

"I hear some guys at this school are part of it, too", Chie said

"yeah, I know there are some rumors about a first-year student here", Yosuke stated

"we know some names of a couple students, but they might not be a part of it", Amaya said

"perks of being us", Sakiya added with a bored tone

"it doesn't really matter at the moment, we should just focus on who might show up on the Midnight Channel", Yu stated

"yeah, the weather report says it'll rain soon, not too sure just yet", Yosuke said

"then it's settled, we all watch and meet up to discuss on who the next victim might be", Chie stated as everyone nodded their heads and left to return home

(The Next Day, After School, Yasogami High)

"whoa, it started raining... I guess the weather report was right", Chie said

"that means that show's probably gonna be on tonight", Yosuke stated

"I hope we don't see anyone", Yukiko muttered

"yeah, that'd be best, but if we do, maybe we'll see some kinda clue that can point us toward the killer", Yosuke explained

"well everyone, don't forget to check your T.V. tonight", Chie said as the group nodded their heads and went their separate ways, as the night rolled in, the Midnight Channel showed a silhouette of a man, a high schooler, yet, he was too blurry for anyone to notice.

(The Next Day, Daytime, Junes)

"ahem, we will now hold a meeting on our investigation of the serial kidnapping-slash-murder case here in Inaba", Yosuke stated

"dude, take a breath", Chie asked

"oh, then does that make this place our special headquarters", Yukiko asked as well

"yes, exactly, nicely put, Yukiko", Yosuke said

"not the best idea of headquarters", Amaya stated

"yet hidden in plain sight", Sakiya added

"special headquarters... hmm, that does have a nice ring to it", Chie said

"anyways, as for what was on last night", Yosuke said, getting back on topic

"who was that", Yu asked

"I saw it too", Chie stated, "I couldn't get a good view of the person's face, but it was a guy, wasn't it",

"he seemed to be a high schooler", Yu added

"wait, didn't the victims have one thing in common, that they were females with ties to the first incident", Yukiko asked

"that's what we thought, but we still don't know who exactly we saw", Yosuke stated

"in my case, the image on the Midnight Channel changed after I was kidnapped, right", Yukiko asked once again

"yeah, the screen got clear and the program looked like some low-budget T.V. show", Yosuke explained

"but last night, we couldn't clearly see whoever it was, could that mean... he isn't inside the T.V. yet", Yukiko asked

"he's still safe for now, but it's only a matter of time", Yu stated

"uh-huh, I think that's safe to assume", Yukiko said, "if we can figure out who he is, can we prevent him from being taken",

"yeah... and if all goes well, we might catch the killer in the bargain", Yosuke stated, then let out a sigh, "but to do that, we need to know who the latest Midnight Channel star is... I hate to say it, but I guess we'll have to wait another night and see what happens",

"well, that means if my deductions are correct, though the image was hard to make out, and we can't say for sure who it was, it was definitely a young male", Chie explained, "but if that's the case, it goes entirely against our prior assumptions... since we cannot identify the person at this time, we have no choice but to wait and see what happens",

"that's exactly what we just said", Yosuke stated

"shut up", Chie shouted

"we can't help but feel as if we've seen the silhouette somewhere before", both Amaya and Sakiya stated in unison

"me too", Chie said

"yeah, I've been thinking the same thing since last night, let's all check the T.V. again tonight and think about it more tomorrow", Yosuke stated as everyone agreed and headed home, as the evening rolled in, the silhouette appeared once again.

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