The Truth

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(The Next Day, Afternoon, Yasogami High School)

after lunch had ended, all the student's were gathered in the gym, all waiting by the stage area, an assembly had been called, but for what, no one knew, most people began gossiping about what they saw yesterday as the group all met up with each other

"hey, do you know what going on", Yu asked

"no, everyone's avoiding us like the plague", Sakiya stated

"but... that's what you get with many rumors about you", Amaya added

"I wonder why they're holding a school assembly all of a sudden", Chie asked

"I wish we knew too", Amaya muttered as Chie then turned to Yosuke, who seemed down

"hey, what's wrong, Yosuke", Chie asked with a gentle voice

"oh, it's nothing", Yosuke said

"please, calm down, the assembly will now begin, but first, the principal has something to say", the history teacher, Ms. Sofue, stated, walking away from the microphone as the principal walked up.

"I... regret to say that I have a terrible announcement for all of you", the principal explained, "one of our third-year students, Ms. Saki Konishi of class three... has passed away, Ms. Konishi was found deceased early this morning, the reasons for her passing are currently under investigation by the police, if they ask you for your cooperation, I urge you, as student's of this school, to provide only facts, I have been assured by the faculty that there's no evidence that bullying was involved in the incident, so mind what you say, not only to the police but to anyone who asks",

"passed away", Chie mumbled in shock

"it's the same as the announcer, there's no coincidence there", Amaya muttered as the assembly continued, not long after, the student's were released

"guys, did you see the Midnight Channel last night, something was bothering me, so I decided to look at it, I think the girl on the screen, was Saki-senpai", Yosuke stated, "there's no mistaking it, senpai looked like... she was writhing in pain, and then... she disappeared from the screen",

"what", Chie said in shock

"there's no coincidence, her body was found the same as the announcers, and she went missing before her death the same like it too", Amaya explained, "I don't think the Midnight Channel is a soulmate thing",

"wait, are you saying that the people who appear on that TV... die", Chie asked in shock once again

"it sounds like it, but we don't have any evidence that proves it", Sakiya stated

"you guys remember that bear thing, it told us to leave before the fog clears, and that someone's been throwing people in", Yosuke stated, "don't you think that world had something to do with senpai and the announcers death",

"you might be right, they could've been tossed in", Yu stated

"only way to find out is to go in and either find clues or ask the bear", Amaya stated as well

"I'm going, I need to know what happened, I'll meet you all at Junes", Yosuke announced as he ran off, the four following not long after

(After School, Junes)

"you guys came", Yosuke said happily, in his hands were a golf club, and some rope that was attached to him

"we came to stop you, idiot, you really shouldn't do this, it's too dangerous", Chie stated

"I know, but we got out, right, if we go in from the same location, maybe we'll meet that bear again", Yosuke explained

"we'll go in too", Amaya said

"no, it's better if you three stay out here", Yu stated

"and let you two go in alone, no way", Amaya shouted

"Aya, there's no use reasoning with them", Chie said

"we'll be fine, we'll have a lifeline, we're gonna go in, explore, then we'll be back before you know it", Yosuke stated as he handed Chie the rope and Yu the golf club, not long after, the two went inside the T.V., however, the rope snapped.

"I knew this was a bad idea", Chie stated, voice laced with fear

"no choice but to wait", Sakiya said as the two walked around the department, staying close to the T.V.'s in case the boys came back, Chie couldn't help but feel scared, a few hours later, Yu and Yosuke emerged from the T.V., wearing glasses.

"you guys are back... you jerks, the rope got cut off, and I didn't know what to do, I hate you both", Chie shouted, running away

"give her time to calm down, and she'll be back to normal, but what happened in there", Sakiya asked

"we met up with Teddie and found out what happened to Saki-senpai", Yosuke stated

"whose Teddie", Amaya asked in confusion

"the bear we all saw, he gave us these glasses too, they helped us see through the fog", Yu stated, taking off his glasses

"anyway though, we encountered shadows, and both of us obtained these things called Personas", Yosuke explained

"okay, I'm sorry, but you've lost us with shadows and Persona's", Sakiya said

"it's a long story, we'll tell you guys tomorrow, right now, I just wanna go home and get some sleep... I think, I'm gonna sleep well tonight", Yosuke stated as then everyone parted ways.

(Evening, Takahashi Residence)

"another rainy night, are you sure you wanna check out the Midnight Channel", Sakiya asked, turning off the lights

"I'm sure", Amaya stated as then the clock struck midnight, and the T.V. lit up, the screen showing two familiar girls, one with pink hair and one with brown hair, the pink haired girl got shoved down to the ground, as the brown haired girl grabbed something and hit something as well.

"sis, you don't think...", Sakiya began

"no doubt about it... it's us, we're next, but... what are we fighting", Amaya asked, before either of them could question anything, something came out of the T.V., grabbing the twins wrists and dragging them inside the T.V.

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