The Truth, Part 2

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"so, since you thought people who appeared on the Midnight Channel would be killed, you kidnapped us in order to save us", Yukiko asked

"mission, give me a break, you never stopped and wondered about any of this", Chie shouted

"I thought I was the only one who could help them... I did call the police, but they didn't believe me", Namatame explained, "I knew the area well, thanks to my job, I had a large truck, and I could move around without suspicion, I thought my job as a deliveryman would be the perfect cover for my mission, I thought no one else could do it... but... are you telling me that I wasn't saving them",

"if the person is still within the T.V. world when the fog appears here, they will die", Naoto stated, "beginning with Yukiko-san, the people you thought you had been saving were, in fact, in mortal peril... it was my friends here who really saved us all",

"I had a feeling that was it", Namatame said, "when I went after that little girl and entered the T.V. myself... for the first time, I had some doubts about myself",

"you refer to Nanako-Chan, correct", Naoto asked as Namatame nodded his head

"the police were after me, so I had to get away", Namatame stated, "but I still felt I needed to do everything I could to save that poor little girl... that's why I went after her, but the T.V. world was completely different than I imagined... such an abominable, grotesque place, I knew that the ones who I saved went back to your normal lives, so I didn't realize how terrible that world was, I never knew... you couldn't get out of that place on your, that's a cowardly way to put it, I'd probably already begun to realize that it was a dangerous place... if I hadn't, I wouldn't have gone to see you all",

"see us", Yosuke asked

"I wanted to know why the ones I saved were all hanging out with each other, and how much you remembered", Namatame said, "but in the end, I couldn't bring myself so say anything and ran home, I must have felt too guilty... but all the doubts and anxieties I'd been unconsciously suppressing exploded out when I entered the television myself, I thought I was going insane, I probably did, and you know the rest, when I came to, I was lying in a hospital bed",

"you really were trying to save people", Naoto stated

"but I ended up doing just the opposite... what a fool", Namatame stated, "I always wanted to enter the world of politics, and become useful to society... but after losing my job and the woman I loved... all I had left was this power, I convinced myself that world was some sort of sanctuary... and I secretly believed myself to be a hero, I never doubted what I saw on T.V. and believed everything was as I wanted to be... I didn't think for myself at all... that's why I couldn't protect them, I'm to blame for all this...",

"what's done is done", Yu stated

"I suppose so... but the things I've done are too serious to be brushed aside like that", Namatame explained, "I have no intention of running away from my crimes, I'm prepared to face the consequences, kidnapping is already a serious crime... and on top of that, I put all those lives in danger, I'm sorry...",

"the Midnight Channel and the other world... you can hardly be blamed for failing to understand them properly", Naoto stated, "we must apologize to you as well, had we let our emotions blind us, we would have piled all the responsibility on you",

"I guess from your point of view... people did stop dying once you started saving people", Yosuke said, "the more you did it, the more you really believed you were preventing their deaths",

"I'm... such a joke...I'm sorry... I'm getting a little tired...", Namatame muttered

"what're you all crammed in here for", an officer asked, walking into the room, alerting the group

"times up", both twins stated in unison, quietly

"my apologies, we'll be leaving now", Naoto stated

"wait", Namatame called out, "I beg you... please find whoever's behind this... you children are the only ones who knows about that world...",

"don't worry", Yu said

"it's all clear now, he never committed any murders... it was another party who threw the first two victims into the T.V.", Naoto explained

"now get out of here", the officer shouted, a bit annoyed as the group left the hospital room and walked into Nanako's room 

"Nanako-Chan looks like she's in pain... she's fighting for dear life", Yukiko stated

"this was the last place we saw Teddie, right, he was so worried about her", Chie said

"how can he flake out like this when we have to find the real killer", Kanji asked

"the police consider the matter closed, we'll have to do all the investigation from here on out", Naoto stated as everyone nodded their heads, promising to meet up tomorrow, the group left the hospital, in search for more information.

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