The School Trip

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(A Few Days Later, Afternoon, Gekkoukan High School)

all over school was gossip about the police, ready to put an end to the case, yet... there were many loose ends, some students had thought that they shouldn't as others should, although no one showed up on the Midnight Channel, everyone had doubts that the case was far from over, as the school trip rolled in, everyone met up at the high schools entrance, the principal of the school began to speak, but most of the group tuned him out.

"whoa, what's up with this place... this school's way too big", Yosuke stated, observing the school from the outside, "wait... if we can't beat 'em in size, we're totally sunk"

"well, uh, next I will explain about our fine educational institution and the reasons for it's establishment", the principal explained, "uh, I'd like to start with a proverb... "if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well", 

"is this principal in love with his own voice or what", Chie asked, bored out of her mind

"Chie, he'll hear you", Yukiko muttered

"ahem... our school is closed today, but, ahh, because of this rare opportunity for cultural exchange, some of our students will walk you through these halls, first, though, a student body representative will say a few words", the principal stated as a young girl stepped forward

"welcome to Gekkoukan High School, my name is Chihiro Fushimi, I'm a third year student, and the Student Council President here at Gekkoukan", Chihiro announced, "it's an honor to meet you all today

"whoa, that girl's unbelievable", Yosuke muttered

"yeah, you're right... she is cute", Kanji stated

"I gotta say... she's the most bewitching bespectacled beauty I've ever beheld", Yosuke added

"stop overreacting", Chie said as everyone turned their attention back on Chihiro

"this is the first time our school has invited another student body for a true cultural exchange", Chihiro explained, "to learn about others us to learn about oneself, and is the first step on the road to self-betterment... this I believe, to ensure a worthwhile experience for each and everyone of you, we will do our best to help you accomplish that, so let us enjoy our time together, thank you very much",

"she beat me in every category", Chie muttered as the others applauded

"not every category", Sakiya said

"yeah, from the looks of it, she doesn't seem to be a fighter like you are", Amaya said which Chie seemed to agree

"alright, everyone get into your groups with your classmates", Ms. Kashiwagi stated as the students dispersed with their groups, and received a schedule

"let's see, our class is... it's being taught by someone named Mr. Edogawa, the lecture's about Qabbalah", Yukiko explained

"Kabawhat", Chie asked

"you don't know, it's a casino", Kanji stated

"so... when's our free period", Yosuke asked

"we don't get one", Chie said

"we have classes all through today, tonight, and tomorrow", Amaya stated

"and we'll be staying at a hotel, free time tomorrow and the day after, until we leave at noon", Sakiya added

"you gotta be kidding me", Yosuke mumbled

"come on, guys, let's focus on our studies for now, so we can enjoy our free time later", Yukiko explained as Yosuke grumbled, all the students entered the school and began classes, the teacher began giving a lecture which ended up lasting the whole rest of the class period.

(Evening, Hotel)

"alright, here we are, The Seaside Clamshell Inn, we'll be staying here tonight", Ms. Kashiwagi stated, as the students looked at the place, it didn't seem like a regular hotel, and was too cheap, almost everyone was skeptical about staying there

"isn't there something funny about this place", Yosuke asked

"is there, we don't have these modern hotels in Inaba, so I can't tell", Chie stated

"um... this area is called "Shirakawa Boulevard" and it's...", Rise began

"I don't think I wanna know", Yosuke said quickly

"faster than I expected... this is quite the hotel", a familiar voice said, "if they were to meet me... I wonder, what would the look on Yosuke's face be",

"who's that", Yosuke called out

"guy's, look up", both Amaya and Sakiya said, looking up towards the rooftop, they saw a familiar suit, surrounded by cats

"it can't be", Yukiko said in shock

"haa", Teddie shouted, jumping off, only to land a bit far away from them, and knocking over a couple garbage cans in the process

"Teddie, what're you doing here", Kanji asked

"the lonely bear inside of me went stir crazy", Teddie stated

"if only I could detect people in the real world", Rise muttered angrily

"how did you get here, d-do you have some special ability", Chie asked

"eh, I took the train", Teddie explained, "I swore off Topsicles and saved up the money I got working at Junes, I knew where you were going thanks to Yosuke's Trip Guide, you guys have free time tomorrow, right, no use hiding it, I already know",

"how in the world did you make it here looking like that", Yosuke asked, referring to Teddie's suit, "I mean, why wear the bear suit here",

"I almost got thrown in the trash a couple times", Teddie stated, "but I kept hanging onto the promise Chie-Chan made to go on a date with me, that's what gave me the strength to carry on",

"uh... good job, Teddie", Chie said, "d-did I promise that... oh yeah... I do remember saying that I'd go out with you someday",

"you remembered, Chie-Chan, is it okay with Yuki-Chan, Rise-Chan, Saki-Chan, and Aya-Chan too", Teddie asked

"let's all go together then, is that alright with you", Yukiko asked

"it's a deal", Teddie said with a smile

"you all can go, I already got someone" Amaya stated

"I've been here before, so I'll show you around tomorrow", Rise explained, "I guess we can go shopping first, and I know a great place we can hit later on",

"ooh, shopping, that sounds great", Teddie said

"the other students don't know Port Island that well, so they're just gonna go wherever the school recommends", Chie stated

"well, I guess shopping spree beats a factory tour, alright, we're in too", Yosuke said

"leave it to me", Rise said, not long after, Ms. Kashiwagi walked outside, pretty much telling the group to enter and get into their rooms for the night,

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