The King's Game

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(The Next Day, Evening, Club Escapade)

after touring Port Island in the afternoon with the class, all the students were later dismissed, most went shopping, as others went back to the hotel, the group, however, went out on a shopping spree away from the class, as the evening came in, Rise brought everyone to a club.

"whoa... so this is a club", Kanji said, looking around the place

"whoo, I'm totally ready for this", Chie cheered

"there's nothing like this back home", Yukiko stated, right before anyone could take a step forward, Naoto approached them

"is it permitted for high school students such as yourselves to be here", Naoto asked

"wh-what, dude, look who's talking, you were here before we were", Yosuke stated

"the clientele here seems above-board, so I don't expect there'll be any problems", Naoto said, as he began walking away

"huh, you're leaving", Chie asked, stopping Naoto

"why don't you join us", Yukiko asked

"are you... asking me to stay", Naoto asked in shock

"uh-huh, we didn't get to chat last time", Yukiko said

"ah... I... I-It's just that I had some matters to attend to that day", Naoto stated

"well, you're free now, right", Rise asked, "I was really eager to talk to you, I'm curious how someone my age is working as a detective",

"how about it", Yukiko asked

"very well, if you insist", Naoto said,

"wait here, I'll go reserve the area upstairs for us", Rise stated, later walking away, later, the upstairs was reserved for the group and everyone made a toast

"are you sure this is alright, isn't it expensive", Chie asked

"no worries, two years ago when I had a secret show here, the power went out in the middle of it, and the gig was cancelled", Rise explained, "they still owe me from then, so they're willing to put this one on the house",

"well, in that case, I'm gonna order more", Chie stated

"I'm not gonna hold back either", Teddie said, sounding weird

"dude... you sound even weirder today", Kanji stated as Teddie began making puns about Kanji's name, later followed by Yukiko who began laughing

"hey, wait a sec, are these liquor", Yosuke asked, looking at his drink

"I-I told 'em to give us soft drinks, they're non-alcoholic", Rise stated, "...I told them, really, I did, really",

"aw, sheesh... I was wondering why it's so hot", Chie said

"is this seriously booze, but the smell's...", Kanji began

"King's Gaaaame", Rise cheered, "times like this, adults play the King's Game, it's the law, Kanji... get the chopsticks ready",

"wha... why me", Kanji asked, confused

"the King's word is law, chop-chop", Rise ordered as Kanji left and grabbed chopsticks

"um... what's the King's game again", Chie asked

"one chopsticks a special one, the rest are numbered, the king picks a number and says what they have to do", Yukiko stated, "but who has which number is a secret",

"come on, everyone draw", Rise ordered as everyone drew a chopstick, "okay, sooo... who's the King",

"Teddie's is red, is Teddie the King", Teddie asked

"ugh, we're already doomed from the get-go", Yosuke muttered

"I, the King, command thee to smooch the King without delay", Teddie stated, making everyone shocked, "please... grant me a girl, Number 3",

"what", Kanji shouted, the twins began bursting out in laughter

"I meant Number 2", Teddie corrected

"no take-backs", Yosuke said

"smooch, smooch", Yukiko cheered

"get the camera ready, sis", Sakiya stated

"already out and recording", Amaya said

"K-Kanji... so you were after my fuzzy fur", Teddie stated as he tackled Kanji down, as Kanji was screaming for help, Teddie smooched Kanji

"only the first round, and two contestants have dropped out already", Rise stated, "on to round two... who's the king",

"I'm the King", Yu said which made almost everyone relax

"hey, the person who gets picked should have to rest their head on the King's lap", Rise stated

"nah, make 'em sit on his lap", Yukiko stated

"or, they could have to hug him", Rise added

"better than that... a piggyback ride", Yukiko added

"come on, King, who's gonna do what", Rise asked

"Number 2 sits on my lap", Yu ordered, making Amaya spit out what she was drinking

"say what now", Amaya asked in shock

"you're number 2, sis, go on", Sakiya stated as Amaya got up from her spot and sat down on Yu's lap, which Yu pulled her close, not letting her go, as the next round came, Yukiko was the King, even though she didn't draw a chopstick, after awhile Rise passed out due to many drinks, Yukiko began telling Naoto about the T.V. world, even though she was drunk, later passing out herself, later on, everyone decided to head out, after having enough drinks, the groups drunk butts made it back to the hotel safely.

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