The Bath House

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"this place is so steamy, so why do I feel a chill down my fuzzy spine", Teddie asked, "I think I got a cold... my nose is totally useless too",

"it's alright, we have a disadvantage here as well, everyone be on guard", Amaya stated as everyone nodded their heads and proceeded forward with caution, due to the steam, it was hard to see with the shadows that roamed about, going up to the next floor, Teddie began to feel a prescience, although he was unsure in it was Kanji or not, the group entered the room, in hopes that Kanji would be inside

"there he is", Chie shouted

"Kanji", Yosuke called out as Kanji's shadow turned around

"ooooh, my my, thank you for your undivided attention, at last, I've penetrated the facility", Shadow Kanji stated, "these images are coming to you live from inside this steamy paradise, but I've yet to have any charming encounters, could this hot fog be the cause",

"this is so wrong in so many ways", Yosuke stated, unease in his voice

"I remember it being like this on Yukiko's show, too", Chie said as voices rang out

"I was wondering, the voices here, they're the same as in Yukiko's, could the voices be the people outside", Yosuke asked

"you mean everybody watching the Midnight Channel, they're reacting to the show", Chie asked, "yikes... if people are watching Kanji-kun now, he's gonna be a legend in a way he never intended",

"I doubt it, it's not even midnight", Amaya stated

"nor is it raining soon", Sakiya added

"the shadows are getting really restless", Teddie stated

"that elusive thing I truly yearn for... will I find it here", Shadow Kanji asked as he ran off

"Kanji-kun", Yukiko called out

"that was his other self... it's trying to reveal his hidden feelings", Teddie stated

"come on, let's follow him", Yu said as the group ran forward, in an attempt to catch up to Kanji, but Kanji's shadow seemed to have left the floor all together, reaching the next couple floors, the group could hear Kanji's voice, and the steam around the place was getting thicker making it harder to see, just like how they saw the fog before they had glasses, not long after, the group reached the next floor, where Shadow Kanji was waiting for them.

"welcome to man's world, I've prepared a special stage tonight, a single match with no time limit, who will be left standing in the end", Shadow Kanji stated, to his right, a giant shadow, the giant shadow walked forward, the group charging forward, weapons out and began to fight, yet they seemed to be doing little damage to the shadow, but after a long while, the shadow fell, Shadow Kanji was nowhere to be seen, after a quick rest, the group pushed on, reaching the top floor, the group saw both Kanji and Shadow Kanji

"there they are", Chie shouted

"Kanji", Yosuke called out

"I-I", Kanji muttered

"oh, come now, enough with the charade, isn't it awful to deceive people, to deceive yourself", Shadow Kanji asked, "what's so bad about doing what I want to do",

"that has nothin' to do with it", Kanji said in anger

"I'm what you really want, aren't I", Shadow Kanji asked

"no", Kanji shouted

"oh, how I hate girls... so arrogant and self-centered, they cry if you get angry, they gossip behind your back, they spread nasty lies", Shadow Kanji stated, "they look at me like some... some disgusting thing and say that I'm a weirdo... laughing at me, all the while, "you like to sew, what a queer, painting is so not you, but you're a guy, you don't act like a guy, why aren't you manly", what does it mean to be a guy, what does it mean to be manly, girls are so scary",

"I-I ain't scared of 'em", Kanji shouted

"men are much better, they'd never say those awful, degrading things, yes, I vastly prefer men", Shadow Kanji explained

"what makes you think you can say that with my face", Kanji asked, angrily

"why, you're me... and I'm you... you do know that, don't you", Shadow Kanji asked

"no... nuh-uh, no way, there's no way that you're me", Kanji shouted

"and here we go... again", Amaya muttered as Shadow Kanji began laughing

"you're me, and there's no denying it", Shadow Kanji stated, transforming, getting the real Kanji out of the way, the group began attacking Shadow Kanji, everyone using their weapons and persona's, Amaya and Sakiya even combining an attack, making it powerful, after awhile, Shadow Kanji fell, reverting back to his shadow self

"Kanji-kun", Yukiko called out as the real Kanji walked up to everyone

"wait, Yukiko, something's wrong", Yosuke stated as Shadow Kanji got up

"I-It's still coming at us, Kanji's still rejecting it", Teddie stated

"well, I can't blame him with this many witnesses", Yosuke muttered

"such a passionate approach", Shadow Kanji said making Yosuke confused, "I think you three would make wonderful boyfriends",

"s-stop it, y-you got it all wrong", Yosuke stuttered, uncomfortable with the situation

"enough... stop... what are you blabbering about", Kanji asked, angrily

"I don't care who... won't someone, anyone, please accept me", Shadow Kanji asked

"stop... it", Kanji muttered

"accept me for who I am", Shadow Kanji shouted

"I said stop it", Kanji shouted, running up to his shadow and punching him, "can't believe something like this is inside me",

"Kanji, you're...", Yosuke began

"yeah, I know... I've known all this time I had something like you, it ain't a matter of guys or chicks... I'm just scared of being rejected", Kanji explained, "I'm a total pansy who tries to make everyone hate me",

"you're not alone", Yu stated as Kanji nodded his head

"come on... get up, anyone who looks like me, I know they ain't so weak that they can't take a punch, I already know that you're me, you're me... and I'm you", Kanji stated, Shadow Kanji disappeared and transformed into a persona, however, with his shadow, Kanji collapsed

"Kanji-kun", Chie called out as the group crowded him to see if he was alright

"let's get him out of here", Yosuke stated as everyone agreed

(After School, Junes)

"Kanji-kun... are you okay", Yukiko asked

"it's... it's nothin'... I feel great... it's like my minds all cleared up", Kanji said, calmly

"glad to hear it", Yu stated as Yosuke helped Kanji back to his feet

'hey... about what just happened", Kanji began

"we'll tell you later", Yu said

"yeah... you better", Kanji said

"just go home, rest up, once you're ready, we'll explain everything", Amaya stated

"we'll be waiting for you at school", Chie said

"school... sure, if I ever feel like going", Kanji stated

"I'll take him home, if anyone asks, I'll just say I found him somewhere like this", Yosuke explained as everyone then went their separate ways.

The Twin Persona'sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang