The Team, Back Together

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(The Next Day, After School, Yasogami High)

last night was a huge shock to the group, everyone tuned in to the Midnight Channel, and someone appeared, although it was too hazy, which meant that said person wasn't there just yet, it was only a matter of time, however, they were able to identify the victim, Naoto Shirogane.

"so... about the Midnight Channel last night", Chie began

"I wonder who that was", Yukiko asked

"I talked to Teddie, and he says no one's entered on the other side", Yosuke stated

"well, yeah, the killer's been caught", Rise said

"I'm certain the one who appeared on T.V. last night was Naoto-Kun", Amaya stated

"sis and I began laying out theories, best one we could come up with, but have no evidence of, the killer we caught was a fake", Sakiya added

"hey, is it me, or does the town seem kind of strange lately", Yukiko asked, "everyone's in high spirits for some reason... and they all talk about other people... but never themselves",

"really, I don't think it's anything special", Chie said, "now that the murder case is solved, people feel more relaxed, that's all",

"that's how society is, they all just want to get in on the latest trend", Rise explained, "people get excited fast and lose interest even faster... it goes round and round, there's no underlying reason for it",

"I don't know... it still seems a little too weird", Yukiko said, "it's like... they're all afraid of something... oh, sorry, I just had this feeling",

"it's going to rain tonight", Yosuke stated

"we should check the Midnight Channel just in case", Chie added

"if someone appears there again, then I assume it's safe to say that the team's back together", Amaya added as everyone agreed

(Evening, Dojima Residence)

Yu stood in front of his T.V, waiting for the Midnight Channel to come on, as the clock struck twelve, the Midnight Channel came on, however... rather than a hazy screen, there was a set this time, and Naoto appeared, not long after, the phone rang

"hey... you saw that too right", Amaya asked

"yeah, that was definitely Naoto", Yu stated

"so, our theory with the killer being a fake has to be it", Amaya mumbled, "sorry, I'm rambling again

"no, it's okay, it's cute", Yu said with a smile

"seriously", Amaya said in shock, making Yu chuckle, "anyway, back to the topic at hand, this means the team's back together, right",

"yeah, you ready", Yu asked

"being honest, a little scared, but... I'll be okay", Amaya stated

"alright, you and Sakiya call up the girls and let them know the news... the team's back", Yu stated

"alright, you let the other's know too", Amaya said, both saying their goodbyes as they hung up, quickly calling the others to let them know what happened

(The Next Day, After School, Junes)

"last night on T.V... that was Naoto-Kun for sure", Yukiko stated

"what's the verdict, Teddie, is he really in there", Chie asked

"I do smell someone", Teddie said

"it's just like before... nothing's changed", Yosuke stated

"like... before...", Yukiko muttered, "of course, that's why Naoto-Kun appeared on the news so suddenly, he said something didn't seem right, and he wasn't convinced, he also believed that the people who are kidnapped appear on T.V. first, remember",

"wait, you're saying... he's using himself as bait", Yosuke asked, "we came to the same conclusion he did, about how people who become famous through T.V. would disappear, could he be trying to prove the theory by using himself",

"you mean, he got kidnapped on purpose, that's crazy... he could be killed", Chie shouted

"he said, "this is not a game for me either", Rise stated, "it's all my fault... I'm the one that said that to him",

"why didn't he just tell us", Kanji shouted

"Naoto had the same theory that we came up with", Amaya stated

"if he had told us, he knew that we'd stop him", Sakiya added

"so he dropped clues for us to figure out", both Amaya and Sakiya explained in unison

"he did also say that the police were able to identify Mr. Morooka's death", Yukiko said

"the killer didn't change methods, someone else killed him, the twins are right, the killer's still at large", Yosuke stated

"so whoever kidnapped Naoto-Kun, that's the real killer", Rise asked

"but, why would Mitsuo take blame for someone else's crime", Chie asked

"for popularity", Amaya said

"he did say it himself", Sakiya added

"I think everyone's minds are made up, ready to go to the other world", Yu asked as everyone nodded their heads

(T.V. World)

"someone's definitely in here, and the world seems to have grown larger", Rise said, once the group had entered the other world, Rise used her Persona to track down Naoto

"that's amazing, Rise-Chan, there's no way my nose can pick that up", Teddie stated

"it's the same as last time... I know he's here, but I can't tell where", Rise said

"time to figure out more about Naoto-Kun", Amaya said

"same as usual, we all leave and gather evidence, meet up back at Junes within an hour with what you've obtained", Yu explained as everyone nodded their heads and left the T.V. world to find information on Naoto.

The Twin Persona'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora