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(The Next Day, Daytime, Junes)

"Nanako-Chan's on the other side, right", Yosuke asked

"definitely, there's no mistake", Teddie stated

"the police should be pursuing Namatame, so let's focus of Nanako-Chan", Naoto said

"yeah, we're the only ones who can", Chie stated

"we'll save her no matter what", Rise added

"I often thought it might be impossible, but we've finally cornered the culprit", Yukiko said, "we made it this far... we won't let him take Nanako-Chan's life",

"yeah... this is it, Let's go all-out and get it done", Kanji stated

"I made a promise with Nana-Chan", Teddie said, "I said we'd play again... and that everything would be ok... I promised her that",

"yeah, so let's save her", Yosuke said, "we're doing it for Dojima-San, too",

"regardless, we must do whatever we can with what we have now", Naoto explained, "this is something only we can accomplish",

"come on, we can do this, no problem", Chie encouraged

"yeah, we do this the same as always", Yosuke stated, "all we gotta do is find Nanako-Chan before the next foggy day and get her out of there, nothing to it, let's keep calm, be careful, and get it done",

"with everything said, what do you say, leader", both Amaya and Sakiya asked in unison

"let's save Nanako", Yu stated as everyone nodded their heads and agreed, with everything set in motion, the group rushed into the T.V. world

(T.V. World)

"look at this thick fog", Yosue said, as the group entered the T.V. a thick fog was seen, even with the glasses on

"it reminds me of sis's haunted mansion", Sakiya muttered

"does this have something to do with all the fuss about the fog lately", Yukiko asked

"something's weird in here", Teddie said in unease, "I think all the commotion in town has been affecting this world, too",

"well, we need to hurry now, Rise, can you tell which direction Nanako-Chan is in", Yosuke asked as Rise summoned her persona

"I sense her... that way, wow... what's this warm feeling, guys, we need to save her", Rise stated, her persona disappearing

"let's go", Chie said as everyone nodded their heads and ran towards the direction Rise had told them to go, only to see a beautiful stone gate, flowers around both the gate and columns, and a tree over in the distance

"this... is Nanako-Chan's...", Yukiko began

"it's beautiful", both Amaya and Sakiya said in awe

"it's like a storybook vision of heaven", Rise added which later shocked the gorup

"like heaven, huh", Yosuke mumbled, "deep down, Nanako-Chan must really miss her...",

"I'm sure she does, she's only a child", Yukiko added

"if any of us lost one of our parents at a young age", Amaya began

"it won't sit well in any of our hearts", Sakiya finished

"we have to do everything in our power to rescue her", Yukiko stated

"I'm gonna need all of your help to save her", Yu said

"of course, we're gonna rescue Nana-Chan, no matter what", Teddie stated

"we can find Namatame later and give him what's coming to him then", Yosuke added, "first, we need to rescue Nanako-Chan",

"everyone ready to go inside", both Amaya and Sakiya asked as everyone nodded their heads

"let's go", Yu stated, as the group ran through the gates and into heaven

The Twin Persona'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora