Namatame's Fate

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"what are you doing", Yu asked in anger

"I-I was scared... so I... I...", Namatame began

"you have your life... and now you want your freedom too", Yosuke asked in anger

"it's your fault Nanako-Chan's... ", Chie shouted, unable to finish her sentence

"I-I didn't, I...", Namatame began as the T.V. turned on

"12 o'clock... is it the Midnight Channel", Rise asked looking at the screen to see Shadow Namatame, "hey, isn't this...",

"I failed to save her, it's because you got in my way", Shadow Namatame stated

"another Namatame, how, the real one's right here, and we already beat his shadow", Yosuke stated

"remember my shadow, my shadow appeared twice cause I wasn't telling the truth about myself to you guys", Amaya explained, "for Namatame, he's not telling the truth about something, causing his shadow to return",

"that's it, Namatame never faced his other self", Naoto added, "and we didn't witness his shadow returning to his body as a persona either, perhaps that's why we're seeing this now",

"so that would explain sis's case, she faced her shadow, but kept a truth hidden from everyone, resulting in the return of her shadow", Sakiya stated, "if you all remember, Amaya's shadow never fought us, she sent that reaper after us, cause she'd already been faced, even when we found sis, she still didn't fight, cause she was now sis's persona, her shadow was just a small fragment locking her power away",

"wait... my shadow sent a reaper after you guys", Amaya asked, confused

"yeah, and it was a super powerful shadow", Chie stated

"sorry", Amaya muttered, their attention turning back to Namatame and the T.V.

"I failed, and it wasn't my fault, and the law can't touch me anyway", Shadow Namatame stated

"wh-what", Namatame asked

"is that what Namatame's really thinking", Chie asked, "then... he wasn't deranged or anything... he knew what he was doing",

"who cares about the law... I won't ever forgive what you did", Yosuke stated in anger

"th-this... please... stop", Namatame begged

"huh, stop what, we ain't even done anything yet", Kanji threatened, "or do you want us to do something, something fitting for you",

"Kanji", Rise called out

"do whatever you want, you hate me because the child died, don't you", Shadow Namatame taunted, "I don't care either way, living or dying makes no difference to me, but you... you're different, you can't do such a thing, you wouldn't dare, right, I'll continue saving people... it's my mission",

"mission", Yukiko asked as the T.V. shut off

"p-please stop", Namatame begged

"he wants us to stop, what should we do", Yosuke asked

"what do you mean", Chie asked

"we can't let him do whatever he pleases", Kanji stated

"still... what are you going to do", Yukiko asked

"no way I'm gonna walk out of here doing nothing", Yosuke stated

"I-I understand, but...", Chie began

"with this T.V. this man could escape at any time", Naoto stated, "but once he enters, he'll find that there's no way out",

"wait a second, you don't mean...", Rise began in shock

"guys, whatever you're thinking, it's not the answer", both Amaya and Sakiya shouted in unison

"you just gonna turn your backs and walk away", Kanji asked in anger

"what's gotten into you guys", Chie shouted, "this is crazy, how can we do something like that",

"everyone... listen to me, if we're gonna do this... now is our only shot, we won't get a second chance, at this rate, he's gonna get off the hook... and he'll go around saving people again, you just heard what he's really thinking", Yosuke explained,  "if that happens, it'll just be like Nanako-Chan and Senpai... who knows how many innocent people will die this time, I can't let something like that go, someone close to me has died... her killer can't be convicted... and now I'm gonna let the same thing happen again, there's no way I can do that, it's just wrong, isn't it, all we have to do is push him inside the T.V., that's it, we do that one thing, and this is all over",

"and we'll end up just like him, killer's", Amaya shouted

"do you really want that, or a life in a prison cell", Sakiya asked

"if any of you want no part in this, just leave the room, I'm not gonna force you to stay", Yosuke stated, "what do you wanna do... Leader",

"we're missing something", Yu said

"what don't we know", Yosuke shouted

"Namatame's true feelings", Yu stated

"but we just heard the guys true feelings on T.V., what didn't you understand", Yosuke shouted

"something's bothering me about it", Yu said

"well, what is it", Yosuke shouted

"Yosuke, calm down", both Amaya and Sakiya shouted in unison

"I already told you, there's no time to waste, are you even getting at something here, or are you just stalling", Yosuke asked in anger

"we're missing something", Yu shouted

"missing... like what exactly", Yosuke asked, his anger dying down, "I've heard enough, just give me a straight answer

"calm down", Yu shouted

"I'm perfectly calm", Yosuke stated in anger

"hey, what did you mean by "we're missing something", Chie asked

"he's right, we've heard almost nothing from Namatame's perspective", Naoto stated, "our assumptions come from watching the Midnight Channel, we need to hear the real Namatame's story, but as of right now, he's in no condition at the moment",

with everyone's minds calmed and changed, everyone decided to leave Namatame in his room, to get the truth out of him personally, as Adachi and a doctor came in, Naoto covered everyone by saying that they were keeping an eye on him, which everyone believed, not long after, everyone decided to head back to Nanako's room.

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