The End of the Other World

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the group all attacked the shadow, the shadow attacking back, tougher than before, as of Rise, this shadow isn't like any of the others they've fought before, but everyone kept up the fight, going through the fight, the group was able to get the shadow down.

"I see... your powers are strong, power comes from the heart, you have proven to me human potential", the shadow said, "very well, I will lift the fog from the place where you will return to, if mankind so wishes, I will return at any time... I am always at your side, watching...",

"well, don't wait up, we'll keep that from happening no matter what", Teddie stated

"time to show the path humanity takes... children of the new potential", the shadow said, before disappearing, Adachi returning

"you think... it was controlling Adachi", Chie asked

"who can say, I believe it was at least partially his own intention as well", Naoto said, the group walking up to Adachi, though Adachi wanted them to leave him there, for the shadows to finish him off, but the group wouldn't allow that

"we have the same power, but things turned out so differently for us", Adachi stated

"it's because I had my friends", Yu said

"that's the last thing I want to hear about right now", Adachi said, "but, maybe if I were like you, things wouldn't have been this way",

"ready to go", Amaya asked as everyone nodded their heads

(Real World, Junes)

the group made it back, with Adachi in tow, there, Adachi was arrested by police for suspicion of murder, with everything done and out of the way, the group walked outside Junes and into the shopping district, and to their surprise, there was no fog covering Inaba.

"it's for real, the fog's really gone", Chie said

"we did it... this time, it's for real", Yukiko said

"it's finally over", Yosuke said

"yeah", Yu said

"it took us a long time to get this far, but well, this means... we've won", Yosuke stated, everyone gathered around, putting their hands on top of each others and cheering and throwing their hands up in the air

"aren't you supposed to do that before something starts, not after it's over", Yosuke asked

"who cares", Chie said, making Yukiko laugh

"a lot of cheers like that can come after a victory", Sakiya mentioned

"so it's technically either way", Amaya added

with the final battle officially over, the true culprit arrested, and Inaba, free of the fog, the investigation team was officially done and over with, but hadn't disbanded yet, there, after everyone's cheer, the group parted ways and returned home after a long and hard fight.

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