Rise Kujikawa

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(The Next Day, After School, Yasogami High)

"I've been hearing that there's a big crowd at Marukyu", Yukiko stated

"I'm not surprised", Chie said "but was it really her on yesterday's Midnight Channel, didn't she seem a little different",

"it was her, no doubt about it", Yosuke said

"are we going, I don't really care about celebrities, but I've got nothing better to do... sure, I'll tag along", Kanji stated

"sorry, but the girls and I got plans, call us if something happens", Chie asked as everyone went their separate ways

(The Next Day, After School, Junes)

"so, about the Midnight Channel last night... that had to be Rise Kujikawa, it even showed her face this time", Yosuke stated

"so now we know one more thing, the ones that the culprit's targeting are...", Yukiko began

"broadcasted on T.V.", Yu finished

"exactly, so we can rule out the assumption that all the victims are connected to the incident with Ms. Yamano", Yosuke explained, "as for Rise, I took a peek in the morning, and she was still at the shop",

"Teddie said before that it might be the victim's own creation upon entering that world, I didn't understand at all at first", Yukiko stated, "but now I feel it may be true, the one who appears on T.V. is your other self... maybe the victim's true feelings are showing unconsciously",

"but... we see them on the Midnight Channel before they disappear", Chie said, "you know, when it's still really fuzzy and you can't tell who it is, how do you explain that part",

"yeah... it always happens before the person disappears, like an advance notice", Yosuke said

"or like a ransom note, but who are they announcing it to, and for what", Chie asked

"I dunno, ask the killer, there's a bunch of stuff I still don't understand", Yosuke stated

"if we knew anything about the T.V. world, we might have a chance to stop it", both Amaya and Sakiya explained in unison

"if we were trying to think of a common grudge someone would have on all the victims, I'm drawing a blank", Chie stated

"all we know of now, Rise's in danger", Yosuke said

"wait... we get to do another stakeout", Chie asked

"pretty much, though most of it will be at school if the killer decides to wait a bit", Amaya explained

"wait... Rise's coming to Yasogami High", Yosuke asked in excitement

"sis and I saw when we got sent to the principals office once... again... thanks false rumors", Sakiya stated, muttering the last part,

"though I doubt it'll be like that, so the stakeout will have to do" Amaya added

"alright, this time, we'll catch 'em in the act", Yosuke stated in excitement as everyone nodded their heads

(After School, Marukyu Tofu Shop)

after buying snacks for the stakeout, the group made it to the tofu shop, unfortunately, a detective, Adachi, ended up tagging along, as they arrived, Rise was tending to the shop, the girls were outside talking with each other as the boys were walking around, Adachi, however was in the shop, only to find a suspicious man outside the shop, which Adachi arrested

"is it... really over", Yosuke asked

"rest is up to the cops", Kanji stated

"looks like the killer was a pervert, just like we thought", Chie explained, "wait... does that mean the case is closed, seriously, awesome",

"hey, we should let Rise know the good news", Yosuke said, right before they could enter, Rise's grandmother came out, letting the group know that Rise went out without saying anything, which raised suspicion to the group.

"she left without saying anything... could that mean", Yukiko asked

"shouldn't we go look for her, she couldn't have gotten far", Yosuke stated

"yeah, I agree", Chie said as everyone split up to search around, but found nothing, later meeting back up in front of the shop

"I can't find her anywhere, what about you guys", Chie asked as everyone shook their heads

"none of the neighbors have seen her", Yukiko stated

"guys, I think that guy we chased... wasn't the actual killer", Amaya said, causing the group to turn towards her, "I believe that the killer took the advantage while we were chasing after that guy, she might be in the T.V. world",

"the weatherman says it's gonna rain tonight, keep your fingers crossed and hope that it's not true", Kanji stated

(Evening, Takahashi Residence)

Amaya sat in front of her T.V. in her room, it was dark and only a few minutes till midnight, she felt uneasy about what she was going to see, by the look of the others, they could tell that she seemed off, Amaya hoped that it was just a false alarm, not long after, the T.V. began to turn on, the Midnight Channel was starting, and there, on T.V., was Rise, the image was clear and Rise wasn't herself, as the Midnight Channel turned off, the phone rang.

"hello", Amaya greeted

"hey, how you doing", Yu asked

"other than my hunch being correct, I'm not so sure", Amaya said in a quiet voice

"I know, you and the others don't want to see anyone on the Midnight Channel, and I agree with that", Yu stated

"I know, but... something about the T.V. world seems off to me", Amaya explained, "keep this to yourself for now, but the more I think about it, I don't think the culprit sent us to the T.V. world, I think it was something else",

"what do you mean", Yu asked

"from the cases, everyone's shadows acted differently, even got their own places, but sis and I, we didn't get all that", Amaya explained once again, "we were just like Chie's Shadow, popped up out of nowhere, thinking about whatever dragged us in... sorry, I'm rambling on",

"no, it's ok, continue", Yu said in a gentle tone

"it's getting late, I'll tell you later", Amaya said

"alright, see you at school tomorrow", Yu said

"alright, goodnight", Amaya said as she hung up the phone, later sighing to herself

"with everything going on... I don't think I can continue like this", Amaya thought to herself before going to sleep.

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