Hunting a Killer

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(The Next Day, Daytime, Junes)

with summer vacation here, the team waited for any new information about the mystery culprit, from watching the news, to waiting on what the police have to say about it, however, one rainy night, someone appeared on the Midnight Channel, as of Teddie, no one was broadcasting the Midnight Channel, but a victim was already inside, meeting up at Junes, the team got together and talked about what had happened.

"okay, Rise and Teddie are checking out the other side, so we'll go ahead and start the meeting", Yosuke explained, "now, about what happened last night... you guys all saw it, right",

"yeah, what he said made my blood boil", Kanji said in anger, "that mumbling of his and those fish-like eyes made me angrier, who is he",

"I don't know", Yu said

"hmm... truth to tell, I get the feeling I've seen him before", Yosuke stated

"I was surprised when I saw how clearly his face showed on T.V.", Yukiko stated, "so I called Chie, and while we were talking, it hit me... maybe that boy is the culprit",

"it's just a hunch, but it makes sense", Chie added

"we've been told the suspect is a high schooler... the police are after him for the murder of King Moron", Yosuke explained, "so to see that on T.V. last night, at a time like this... I mean, he even taunted the viewers, saying "try and catch me",

"yet, it seems like he just went in there, almost as if he knew the other world", Amaya stated

"but why go in there if he knows that world's dangerous", Sakiya asked

"probably to avoid the cops", Yosuke said, bluntly

"logical excuse for the "try and catch me" line", Kanji stated

"we still don't know why he targeted people who were shown on T.V.", Yukiko explained, "but is he had a personal grudge against Mr. Morooka, that explains one thing, with a strong enough motive, wouldn't he forsake the untraceable T.V. method and try to kill Mr. Morooka on his own, if you think about it that way, it sort of makes sense why Mr. Morooka died without appearing on T.V., but I wonder what that boy's going to do, now that he's in there, with Teddie on this side, there's no way for him to get out",

"y-you don't think... he's gonna get desperate and end it all", Chie asked, "he did look depressed, like it was the end of the world",

"no... I know how that sits in a heart... he would've been crying", Amaya stated

"that, and the killer has to know that the people he threw into the T.V. have come back to this side", Yosuke explained, "I can see missing Yukiko, Kanji, or Amaya, with the addition of Sakiya, but Rise, a celebrity... there's no way the killer wouldn't know she's still alive, so that means he knows there's a way out of the T.V. world, as for the rest... we'll just have to ask him face to face",

"hey, good timing, how'd it go", Chie asked as Rise ran up to the group

"not good, there's not enough information to go on, but at least we're positive that someone's in there", Rise stated

"I see... wait, where's Teddie", Yosuke asked, noticing that Teddie wasn't with Rise

"he's still looking", Rise responded

"alright, so we need to find out who that guy is... and if he is, in fact, the one the police are after", Yosuke said, "once we figure that out, we just do our thing",

"that's right, if he really is the killer, and he's escaped into the other world, the police don't have a chance of catching him", Chie explained

"so it's all on us", Kanji said as the team agreed, their next mission had begun

"well then, let's get digging", Chie said as everyone got up and went their separate ways, searching for any information about the victim on the Midnight Channel, however, it seemed like no one was getting anything, eventually, Yu had to ask his Uncle, Dojima, about the case, but Dojima didn't budge at all, so he had to carefully ask Adachi, which he got some information, but it wasn't much to go on, although the team met up and asked around, but to most of the team, it felt like a wild goose chase, as a few days passed, the team finally found the information they needed, the boy, Mitsuo Kubo, was the one seen on T.V., wasting no time, the group returned to Junes, and entered the T.V. world.

(T.V. world)

"by the looks of it, it's settled, he is the killer... and he's in here now", Yosuke said

"this guy came to our shop before, was he... spying on me", Rise asked, "I really was being targeted",

"I remember now, he was at our school, right before the time Yukiko was thrown in here", Sakiya stated

"I remember too, he asked Yukiko out, but she turned him down", Amaya added

"the dude who got served by Yukiko in front of the school, that was him", Yosuke asked, "man, how can you remember something like that",

"don't underestimate us", both Amaya and Sakiya stated un unison

"I remember he was always following her around", Chie said, "wait, did he kidnap Yukiko to get back at her for rejecting him",

"um... I didn't really reject him", Yukiko stated

"he came up to me while I was busy working and asked "don't the biker gangs bother you", Rise added, "just going on and on about how biker gangs can't do anything unless they're in a pack and stuff, he seemed to be the type who just keeps talking, whether you like it or not... if that makes sense, I usually treat those people politely so they don't get offended, but I was so tired that I kinda ignored him, was that why I was kidnapped",

"huh... wait, I'm not a biker", Kanji added, "ugh... that special report, so that's why I got dragged into this",

"when sis and I first entered here, he mainly saw us with you guys", Sakiya said

"and when I went out on a walk by myself, I have no doubt that he was following me at that time", Amaya stated

"you know, I heard he's been saying stuff about that announcer's affair too", Chie stated, "lots of muttering about women who cheat on their husbands should be executed",

"sounds like it's all coming together", Yosuke said, "well, it's time for a showdown, can you tell where this Mitsuo guy's at",

"thanks to Amaya's Haunted Mansion, I have some experience", Rise said, summoning her persona, "I found him, he's that way",

"alright, let's go, we're so close to the killer... we can't lose him now", Chie stated as everyone nodded their heads and ran forward

"wait... I had a Haunted Mansion", Amaya asked curiously

"yep, although your shadow didn't attack us, another shadow did", Yu explained, "your shadow teamed up with a super powerful one",

"not sure if I wanna see the place", Amaya said with unease as Yu nodded his head in understandment, after awhile of running, everyone came across Mitsuo's palace.

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