Adachi, The Killer?

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(Evening, Hospital)

"what are you guys doing here, do you know where Dojima went, they told me he snuck out of his room again", Adachi asked, as the group arrived, they immediately ran into him, "with Namatame relocated, I was looing forward to going home",

"so... he's been relocated, I've been wondering... you seem to be in a terrible hurry to get him out of this hospital", Naoto asked

"huh, oh, well, yeah", Adachi said, "I mean, we can't leave him here with Dojima-San and Nanako-Chan around... didn't you guys think so too",

"Adachi... where's Namatame", Dojima asked, walking up to the group, "there's been a lot of noise today for some reason

"D-Dojima-San, what're you doing here", Adachi asked in a panicked tone, "Namatame's been relocated, I was looking for you so I could tell you that",

"you did what, who authorized that, there's still more I need to ask him about", Dojima yelled

"g-gimme a break, D-Dojima-San", Adachi stuttered

"those first two murders have been bothering me... his motives are shaky, and his alibi is rock solid", Dojima argued, "we closed a lot of loopholes on the basis of his testimony, but that part's still nagging at me",

"is this more of your "detective's intuition", Adachi asked, "he's already been relocated... it's no use hassling me about it, and you kids should really get home, too, you're gonna get in the way of police business",

"what's gotten into you today... it's odd to see you taking work so seriously", Dojima asked

"come on, I'm always giving 110% when it comes to my job", Adachi stated, "you should get back to work too, Dojima-San, your current assignment: get better as soon as possible",

"what are you all doing here", Dojima asked, looking at the group

"we came here to confirm something with Adachi", Yosuke stated, making Adachi confused

"what happened around the time the announcer went missing", Yu asked

"I can't say for sure offhand... it's not like I saw her or anything", Adachi said, "that was months and months ago, too, my memory's kinda hazy that far back",

"and Saki-Senpai, anything you can recall when interrogating her", Yu asked once again

"why wouldn't I question her, she discovered the announcer's body", Adachi stated, "but she didn't know much about it, so I only questioned her once or twice, if that's what you wanted to ask, I hope I helped",

"know anything about the warning letter", Yu asked

"warning letter", Adachi asked

"the one that was delivered to his house, it's in police custody now, correct", Naoto asked

"uhh... I don't really remember", Adachi said

"hey, whaddya mean you don't remember, I gave it to you to take down to the crime lab for processing, you're telling me you forgot", Dojima shouted

"I'm sorry, your accident was right after that, and what with one thing and another, it sorta slipped my mind", Adachi stated, "b-besides, that thing was just a prank, wasn't it... what're you asking me all this for, what's this supposed to be about",

"just one more thing... we know for certain now that the first two murders weren't Namatame's doing", Naoto said, "someone else killed them, Adachi-San... do you have any idea who that might be",

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about...", Adachi said

"cause we think it mighta been you", Kanji stated

"what, th-that's ridiculous", Adachi shouted, "we already know Namatame's the one who put them all in",

"what did you just say", Chie asked

"put them all in... what's this, "putting them in" business", Dojima asked, "do you know something about the method behind their murders",

"you better have something grand to say", Sakiya said

"cause we have a lot of evidence to back us up", Amaya added

"they're right, remember back at the scene of Dojima's accident, I read Namatame's diary out loud, and when I read that the surviving victims names weren't released to the public, you said, "wow... then that settles it", Naoto explained, "at the time, the police had no idea that there had been attempted murders related to the case, you had no reason to say such a thing, after all, there are countless examples of people disappearing for a few days, yet, when I read the list of names, you raised no objection, odd, what do you say to that, Adachi",

"I-I don't know... I-I said I'm busy...", Adachi shouted, running away, Kanji ran after him to catch up to him, the group following after post-haste, Adachi ran into Namatame's hospital room, however, Adachi was nowhere in sight

"I swear he ran this way", Yosuke said

"where'd he go", Kanji shouted

"guys... what if, he went into the other world", Amaya asked, looking at the T.V.

"I think so, I believe we can confirm that he's the killer, so he can go through, right", Chie asked

"he was cornered... it's highly probable that he escaped there, if he shows up on the other side, then we can confirm that he's the true culprit", Naoto said

"what do we do now", Kanji asked

"let's go in", Yu stated

"it'd be best to use the T.V.'s at Junes, it's safer that way", Rise said

"we can confirm that Adachi is the killer", Sakiya stated

"then let's head home and meet up at Junes first thing tomorrow", Amaya added as everyone nodded their heads and left the hospital, going home.

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