The Camping Trip

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(A Few Days Later, Afternoon)

a few days had passed since Kanji had joined the team, the talk at school was about the camping trip, the trip that would last a day, picking up trash then camping out, then going back home around noon, luckily enough, Yu, Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Amaya, and Sakiya were all in a group together, not long after, the day of the camping trip arrived, as the whole school met up, each group was assigned different places to pick up trash, as noon came, Yukiko and Chie were eager to make curry by themselves, leaving the four at the table.

"ugh, picking up all that trash was murder on my back", Yosuke whined, "I can't believe someone threw away an entire bike... litterers should have to deal with their own garbage, anyway, time for dinner, man, I'm starving",

"I'm feeling a bit ill all of a sudden", Yu muttered

"we'll go check in with Chie and Yukiko, we can bring you something if you like", Amaya stated but Yu shook his head, hoping that it would soon pass as Amaya and Sakiya got up and walked over to Chie and Yukiko, what they were cooking didn't look that good

"should we... taste this", Yukiko asked

"huh, o-only if you do it first", Chie muttered

"Yosuke could try it", Sakiya stated, a bit unsure, both girls nodded their heads and made a plate for Yosuke

"uhh, sorry for the wait, um... we... put a lot of love into it", Chie said, unsure of what to say

"we'll bring yours out later", Yukiko said as Yu nodded his head, looking over at the twins, they were giving him signs of do not eat the food.

"whoa ,really, that's kinda cliché, but still awesome, okay then, chow time", Yosuke stated taking a bite of the curry... only for him to spit it out

"we're sorry", Chie apologized

"sorry", Yukiko apologized as well

"what're we gonna do, our groups the only one without food", Yosuke stated with a sigh, "I mean, if it was slightly edible, that'd be one thing... but I'm not taking another bite of that, I wonder if there's any way we can get something delivered here",

"There's no phones up here", Yukiko stated

"and dinnertime's almost over", Chie stated

"alright, back to your tents, men's tents are this way, and girls' tents are that way", Mr. Morooka shouted, "come on, people, look alive, youngsters like yourselves should hurry up and get to bed after they eat, it's now time for us teachers to have some boo-I mean, err, off to bed, lights out"

"you guys are gonna pay for this", Yosuke stated in anger

"hey, we didn't do anything", both Amaya and Sakiya stated in unison as Chie laughed nervously

"night", Chie said as the girls walked away towards their tents, as the night rolled in, the girls couldn't sleep due to loud snoring coming from the tent next to theirs

"I can't sleep", Yukiko muttered tiredly

"any chance I could run away from here and head home", Amaya asked

"not unless you want to get expelled", Sakiya stated

"I'm hungry, I should've eaten a little more of that curry", Chie mumbled

"it might've knocked us unconscious", Yukiko stated

"can't sleep... can't walk around... I wonder what Teddie's doing right now", Chie asked, "being alone all day's pretty rough when you think about it... you know, for awhile ago, he... aaarrrrggghhh, that does it, girls, we're outta here",

"where'd we go, though, I don't think climbing down the mountain is a good idea", Yukiko stated, "do you think she'd stop snoring if I snuck in and covered her nose and mouth",

"n-nononononono, Yukiko, no", Chie scolded before whining, "I can't take it anymore",


"hey... are you guys still up", Chie asked in a hushed tone

"what're you doing here, this is the guys side", Yosuke asked, curiously

"let us in", Chie asked

"don't be ridiculous, if King Moron finds out, we'll all be expelled, go back to your tent", Yosuke stated

"we can't", Chie whined

"oh no, moronic teacher incoming", Sakiya stated in a whisper

"a-alright, hurry up and get in", Yosuke stated as the girls came in, "so why're you four here",

"well, it's a long story", Yukiko said as then Mr. Morooka's footsteps could be heard, Yu was quick to turn off the lantern as everyone fell silent

"hey, are you two in there, answer me", Mr. Morooka shouted, it was clear to everyone that he was drunk

"we're not here", Yu called out

"huh... ahhh, so you're in there... is Hanamura already asleep", Mr. Morooka asked

"yessir, fast asleep, sir", Yosuke called out, in panic

"don't get cute, Hanamura, shut up and go back to sleep", Mr. Morooka shouted before yawning and walking away, Yu then turned the lantern back on

"how is he still a teacher", Amaya muttered darkly, due to lack of sleep

"there goes a couple years off my life span", Yosuke said

"no joke... we were nearly expelled", Chie stated, "we'll sneak out before the others wake up tomorrow, beings we can't leave now, is that good enough for you",

"you owe us for this", Yosuke stated, Yosuke put up a barricade, separating the girls and guys for the night, although cramped, it wasn't long for everyone to fall asleep, early the next morning, the four woke up and snuck out back into the girls tent.

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