Nanako, Gone?!

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(Evening, Takahashi Residence)

Amaya sat down on her bed, reading a book before she went to bed, not long after, the phone rang, putting a bookmark in her book and answered the phone

"hello", Amaya greeted

"Amaya, it's Yu", Yu said

"hey, what's up", Amaya asked,

"I need your help, Nanako's gone", Yu stated in panic

"hang on, calm down, what happened to Nanako", Amaya asked

"she and Dojima got into a fight and she ran away, I need help searching for her", Yu asked

"I'm getting sis, meet us by our house, were sneaking out", Amaya stated, hanging up, getting up, off the bed, Amaya left her room and quickly opened Sakiya's bedroom door, alerting her

"sis, we need to go", Amaya stated

"go where", Sakiya asked

"Nanako's missing, Yu needs help looking for her", Amaya explained

"alright, one problem... how do we get past mom and dad", Sakiya asked

"my bedroom window, easy to climb out unseen, and with a trick to open up, we'll have to be quiet as soon as we're out", Amaya stated as Sakiya nodded her head, planting pillows in their beds, Sakiya met up Amaya in her room, Amaya opened her window and motioned for Sakiya to climb down, as she left, she closed up her window and the two climbed down, and met up with Yu.

"sorry we're late, had to sneak out", Amaya said

"it's fine, come on, we have to find Nanako", Yu stated

"closest place here's the central shopping district, let's start there", Sakiya said as Yu nodded his head, the two ran off, towards the shopping district, everything was closed up which would put Nanako outside.

"hey, guys", Yosuke called out, he, Chie, and Yukiko running up to the three, "I ran into Dojima-San at Junes, and he told me what happened",

"you coulda asked us too", Chie stated

"we got a call from Yosuke-Kun, I'm sure if we all look, we'll find her", Yukiko stated

"do you know what kinda places she might've gone", Yosuke asked as Yu thought to himself for awhile, before something came into his head

"the Samegawa flood plain", Yu stated

"Samegawa", Yosuke said, "alright, you three head straight there, that's our best bet, the rest of us'll split up and look around, if anyone finds anything, give the others a ring, okay",

"got it", both Amaya and Sakiya said in unison, the three running off towards the flood plains, the three keeping their eyes out for Nanako

"Yu, did you find Nanako", Dojima asked, running up to the three

"no", Yu said

"where is she", Dojima muttered

"don't worry, we'll find her, I'm sure of it", Amaya stated

"found her, she's over there", Sakiya stated, pointing over towards a bench

"Nanako", Dojima shouted, running over to her

"we'll stay behind, go on, we'll let the others know", Amaya stated as Yu nodded his head and walked over towards Dojima and Nanako, meanwhile, the twins ran off to let the others know, later returning to watch the three in silence, not long after, the three returned back and all ended up walking home, Nanako and Dojima walking ahead of the three

"thanks for helping he", Yu said

"no problem", Amaya said

"but, we have to sneak back into our house, unnoticed", Sakiya stated

"I'm guessing the front door's out of the option", Yu teased

"very... unless you wanna attend our funeral", Amaya teased back

"not really", Yu said, making the two girls laugh

"don't worry, it was kinda fun, other than our normal pranks", Sakiya stated, as Amaya nodded her head, as everyone neared home, the twins left, sneaking back inside their homes as Yu caught up to Dojima and Nanako.

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