Someone Knows!

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(A Few Days Later, Lunchtime, Yasogami High)

a few days had passed, everyone in the group, with the exception of Teddie were a bit stressed due to midterms coming up, with no one showing up on the Midnight Channel, the group had a chance to relax for a bit and study, not long after, midterms were over, as the next day came in, Yu called everyone to the schools roof, something was urgent, as everyone gathered around, he showed everyone a letter, no sender or return address

"don't rescue anymore", is this a warning", Naoto asked

"no punctuation or capitalization, what a cliché", Chie said

"ain't this just a prank, the kinda stuff that only happens in the movies", Kanji asked

"no, almost everyone whose watched the Midnight Channel has seen everyone on, with the exception of us saving someone", Amaya stated

"I know that no one here, not even Teddie would send this, so someone had to have spied on us either going in or leaving", Sakiya added

"did you show this to your uncle", Yosuke asked

"no, I didn't really plan to", Yu stated

"Dojima is trustworthy, but it may be best to keep this to ourselves, he would ask why you received such a letter", Naoto explained, "and if he were to put you under surveillance, our hands would be tied, if this letter is real, what's most important isn't what it says... it's the fact that it was delivered to the Dojima residence, addressed directly to you, the twins might be right, we've been spied on by someone, yet, I doubt this letter would reveal the identity of the culprit though",

"so it's useless to tell the police... in fact, that would make things worse", Chie said

"cross your fingers it's just a prank", Yosuke muttered

"I think the chances of that are slim... it's too perfect to be a prank", Yukiko stated, "but how could the killer know so much about us if we've never seen him",

"Teddie's been saying that for awhile when we're over there, he senses someone watching us", Yosuke said, "so you think he followed us in",

"it's the only logical answer we can come up with", both Amaya and Sakiya stated in unison

"let's put it aside for now, there's not a lot to go on, for now, we need to keep in mind that the culprit knows who we are", Naoto explained, "as long as we're all aware of that, it will be enough for now",

"you're right, freaking out over speculation is just what the killer want's us to do, right", Yosuke asked

"Yosuke's right, he's doing this to make us stop, we'll have to put our investigation on hold till things clear, or the situation changes", Yu stated as everyone agreed

"is it alright if I change the subject", Chie asked as everyone nodded their heads, "the culture festival's just around the corner, what's our class doing again",

"oh yeah, it hasn't been decided yet", Yosuke said

"I heard we'll be voting on it soon, but aren't they still still gathering ideas", Yukiko asked

"oh yeah, are we all going together", Rise asked

"that's what I know so far", Kanji said, as lunchtime would soon be over, everyone left the rooftop and returned to class, during class, everyone had the letter in their minds, taking them away from the class lesson and into their minds

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