Naoto's Secret Laboratory

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(A Few Days Later, T.V. World)

the team had gone all over the town, searching for any information about Naoto-Kun, the team had to pull a slight-risky move by talking to the police, yet, the police only saw it as friends worried about their friend, with everything in place, the group stocked up on supplies and met up in the T.V. world, there, with the clues gathered, Rise was able to find Naoto, from there, the group was led to an underground lab entrance.

"what is this place", Kanji asked

"anyone getting horror game vibes here", Amaya asked

"yep", Sakiya said

"it's all sci-fi... hey, doesn't it remind you of those secret hideouts in live action shows", Yosuke asked

"oh yeah, I used to watch Featherman all the time when I was a kid", Kanji said

"I hear that those are really tough shoots, a lot of the actors do their own stunts, like jumping through fire themselves", Rise explained

"well, it's every man's dream to do that stuff", Yosuke said

"yeah, I can understand that, they're action based, like kung fu movies", Chie stated, "and just the phrase "secret hideout" has this exciting ring to it"

"I hear you", Yu said

"come on, let's get going", Yosuke stated as everyone entered Naoto's hideout... only to find out that is wasn't a hideout, but a laboratory.

"unknown intruder detected inside facility... threat level: yellow, deploying guards inside the facility, warning, warning, attention intruders, leave the facility immediately, I repeat, leave the facility immediately"

"intruders... that means us, right", Rise asked

"I told you, horror game vibes", Amaya said

"come on, let's keep moving forward, but proceed with caution", Yu stated as the group nodded their heads and everyone moved forward, through the laboratory, keeping their guard up and avoiding the shadows in the process, going deeper in the lab, the lab's security system kept telling everyone to leave, yet the group kept proceeding, making the defense system activate elimination protocol and send out a giant robot, yet, everyone got passed the robot and continued forward, reaching the deepest part of the lab, there stood Naoto, with Shadow Naoto.

"Naoto", Kanji shouted, the two Naoto's were right in front of an operating table

"ah, it's about time you arrived", Naoto said, "dealing with this child has been quite a pain",

"no, no, no, don't go", Shadow Naoto said, sounding feminine

"it's useless speaking with you, I need to go back now", Naoto stated

"why, why're you leaving me here, why am I always left alone", Shadow Naoto asked, beginning to cry, "it's so lonely... I don't wanna be alone",

"Naoto-kun", Yukiko called out in sympathy

"you wear the same face as me... it's as if you're implying we're one and the same", Naoto stated, "but the difference between me and you is...",

"why delude yourself, I am you", Shadow Naoto asked, no longer crying, "these childish gestures are no mere affectation... they're the truth, the fools all say it, don't they... "you're only a child", "keep out of our business, kid", and so forth, no matter how many cases you spend hours cogitating over, no matter mow many crimes you solve, you're a child in their eyes, it's your brain they're interested in, the grey matter locked up in that skull, as long as they need it, you're an ace detective, but once you're done, it's back to the playpen with you, you haven't the means to deal with society's two-faced nature, you're just a lonely child",

The Twin Persona'sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें