The Plan

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(The Next Morning, Yasogami High School)

"I wonder how Chie's doing, too much stuff happened yesterday, I hope she's back to her usual self", Yosuke said as then Chie walked into the classroom and towards the group

"Mornin'", Chie greeted

"morning", the group greeted

"um... thanks for everything yesterday, it's kinda embarrassing, ya know", Chie muttered, "you guys were right there to see my hidden feelings and all...",

"don't sweat it", Yosuke said with a smile

"the same thing happened to Yosuke and both Amaya and Sakiya, correct, so... what was it like", Chie asked

"huh, uhhh, how should I put this", Yosuke said, "oh, I nearly forgot, none of that happened when yours awakened, huh, hmmm, could it be because you've got nothing to hide",

"oh, so nothing happened for you, I gotta agree that you seem like a pretty open guy, there's funny air about you", Chie stated, "I dunno, I guess that's what draws people to you, or something like that",

"was that a compliment", Yu asked, making Chie laugh

"haha, yep, it's a compliment", Chie said with a smile

"uh... if you say so", Yosuke muttered, uneasy of what's going on

"anyways, what's most important right now is to rescue Yukiko", Chie stated, "I'm dead set on coming, remember... you promised",

"we know, and as of the weather, it's gonna be sunny all week, so we still have plenty of time", Sakiya explained

"yet, I think the sooner, the better", Amaya said as then the bell rang, signaling the beginning of class, the group parted and sat down in their seats, ready for the school day

(After School, Yasogami High School)

"so, to get this all straight, once the rain comes in, we won't have a lot of time, when the fog comes in, then we're too late, right", Chie asked

"yes, I'd be best to check the weather, if we see rain of any kind, then it means our time is almost up", Amaya explained

"Aya and I can keep track of the weather thanks to our parents watching the news morning and night", Sakiya added, "if we see something change, we'll let you guys know",

"alright, but as of the T.V. world, the week's looking pretty good, so we can technically wait a bit and gear up", Yosuke said

"Yet, I have to agree with Amaya, the earlier we get this done, the better", Yu stated

"yes, although, I have to agree with Yosuke, we'd better gear up more, just in case, we can technically spare a day, but after that, we save Yukiko", Chie explained

"well, what does everyone say, prepare today and go in tomorrow, or wait a bit", Amaya asked

"I'd be best to prepare", Yu said

"I know a couple places at Junes, they might have something to help us out", Yosuke said

"we know of a Clinique, they might have some medical supplies we could use", both Amaya and Sakiya stated in unison

"and I can check in at the weapon shop, see if there's anything new, in case if we need to get new weapons", Chie stated as well

"looks like we got everything in order, we'll meet up at Junes tomorrow, be ready", Yu stated as everyone nodded their heads in agreement and everyone went their separate ways getting supplies for tomorrow.

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