Chapter 29

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*** 2 months later ***

I walk into school and my mood drops, not like it was really happy. Baby sitting was fun, the twins were easy to look after and Louis nana was really nice and I ended up telling her a few things about myself that I would never of thought I would have. I have visited every weekend I can and I know that they really appreciate it, I have even visited Louis nana to just talk to her.

"My boyfriend is the best he is always with me." I hear Sarah say as I took my seat in home room.

"Where is he then?" I ask turning to look at her.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"You say he is always with you why is he not here?" I question.

"Because he doesn't go to this school... I'm with him more than you are with Louis." She replies.

"And? Is it really a competition?" I ask.

"Of course not I'm just saying that my boyfriend doesn't leave me, because he loves me." She comments.

"And Louis doesn't... He is doing his God damn job... By the way what boyfriend is it, John, Philip, Dave? Your boyfriend may love you but you don't love him because you have seven other guys you supposably love so just shut up you fucking slut." I blurt out.

"Enough." I hear Mrs Grey shout. "Both of you to Mr Oaks." We stand up and make our way to the front office.

"I can't believe I am getting into trouble because of you." Sarah comments.

"Oh my god just shut the hell up would you." I reply and she gives me a look I keep walking to the office. Once we get there we are immediately taken to Mr Oaks office.

"Girls why are you here?" Mr Oaks asks as we sit down.

"Because she called me and effing slut." Sarah responds.

"And why did you call her that?" He asks me.

"Because it's the truth." I mutter.

"No it isn't." Sarah cries.

"Even if it is true maybe you should keep it to yourself." Mr oaks says.

"She is just jealous of me." Sarah says making me laugh.

"Why would I be jealous of you?" I ask amused.

"Because my family loves me and my brother doesn't abuse me and I still have a mum." She says. I feel my anger boil up and in a instant my hand connects to face.

"Keep your fake nose out of other people's fucking business." I yell at her, I grab my bag and walk out the room I hear Sarah crying and Mr Oaks yell at me to get back in the room but I keep walking until I am out of the school grounds and in my car. I drive to Louis house and collapse on the couch. I feel my phone vibrate and see its a message from Caitlin.

What the hell was that? Plus you are suspended for a week.

I don't bother to reply and just put my phone on the table. I pick it up again and call Louis. I hear it ring and then go to voice mail, I start to feel tears well up in my eyes as I ring a few more times and the same thing happens. I put my phone down and start crying. Man I hate Sarah, she should die in a hole. I walk to Louis room and grab a suit case and start packing my bag. I shove whatever I can into it and close it up and walk to the front door with the suitcase. I get my phone out and call Harry.

"Dani?" I hear Harry ask.

"Thank god you picked up." I sigh whipping a few tears.

"What's up?" He asks sounding a bit concerned. I tell him my plan and he sounds happy about it.


Louis POV

I wake up and check my phone and see I have 5 missed calls from Dani. I dial her number and it goes straight to voice mail.

"Fuck." I say getting up.

"What's wrong?" I hear Niall ask.

"I can't reach Dani and she called five times whilst I was asleep." I sigh.

"She is probably asleep." He says and I look at the time and see its 10am.

"She has school today she would be up." I sigh.

"She will be fine... She is probably in class" I hear him say.

"We have to go to sound check now." Zayn says as he walks past the door. I get up and put on some jeans and a black top.

"Let's go." I hear Paul say.


We all head back to our hair and makeup rooms to get changed after our amazing concert in amazing Paris, and I see all the guys smiling weirdly at me. I give them a confused look and they just run into there rooms. I walk into mine and head straight to my closet to get my clothes so I don't have to stay in these sweaty ones. I open it up and see something in there that isn't my clothes.

"Boo!" I hear it say and I recognise the voice instantly, she jumps out the closet and I kiss her passionately.

"What are you doing here?" I ask happily hugging Dani and I look at her face, I see her green eyes are puffy like she has been crying, but she still looked beautiful.

"I was suspended for a week and I really missed you so... Here I am." She says kinda nervous.

"Why were you suspended?" I ask.

"Can we ask questions later I don't really want to talk about it right now. I'm just so happy to see you." She says and I can see tears forming in her eyes and I wrap my arms around her. I kiss her fore head and I feel her sort of relax.

"Ok we won't talk." I say and we walk out my hair and make up room.


"Babe are you ok?" I ask as we walk into our hotel room and she just shakes her head no and cries. I pull her into a hug and she cries into my shoulder. "What's happened?" I ask cupping her face.

"Sarah was right." She whispers.

"Sarah? What did she say?" I ask concerned.

"She is the reason I was suspended..." Dani says biting her lip.

"What happened Danielle." I ask concerned and Dani wipes her eyes.

She begins to tell me what has happened since I have left. From when Riley cut her to when she slapped Sarah.

"Why didn't you tell me about Riley?" I ask looking at her.

"I didn't want you to worry." She says quietly.

"I'm always going to worry about you." I reply. "And as for Sarah she wasn't right. I love you and if I didn't have to leave I wouldn't."

"I know that but about the whole family thing it's true... I want a family like yours... I have been going over there nearly every weekend and they are the best family and then there is mine where half of my family hates me."

"But you also have half a family that love you and you have the boys and I who love you too. Don't worry about what Sarah has and what she says." I say hugging Dani tightly.

"I don't know what to do." Dani says pulling me closer. I have missed having her next to me so much. "It's so hard being away from you."

"I know it's hard for me too." I reply kissing her forehead.

"HELLOOOOO!!" I hear all the boys yell, I wipe Dani's tears away and she smiles at me.

"Heyyy!" I hear Dani say as they all crowd around her and give her a big group hug.

"What's wrong?" Liam asks looking at Dani then to me.

"It's just been a rough couple of months." Dani sighs. That it has been.


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